Page 51 of Lyrics of Her
Two days later…
Me: Radio silence?
Reed: Sorry. Busy. Talk later?
Me: Sure
Later that night…
Reed: You paid your rent yet?
Me: Well, hello to you too.
Reed: Can you ever just answer a question like a normal person?
Me: Define normal.
Reed: How was your day?
Me: Productive. Yours?
Reed: I had a meeting this morning. Boring as fuck. We went to a rooftop this afternoon and took new promo shots for the tour. That didn’t suck.
Me: Smile pretty?
Reed: I don’t even have to try.
Me: Not an ego in sight.
Reed: What have you been up to?
Me: Played a gig last night. Cleaned up a bit today. Made a few phone calls, and measured my bust.
Reed: Now you’ve got my attention. Care to elaborate?
Me: My sister is getting married in a couple of months and I’m maid of honor. She’s freaking out I won’t fit into the dress she’s ordered for me.
Reed: Who the fuck gets married these days?
Reed: Tink?
Reed: Hey, you still there?
Reed: What’d I say? Did the marriage comment piss you off? I’m not judging. It’s just not that heard of anymore. Or is it something else?
Reed: Hello? Tink?
Me: Geez calm down. I had to pee. I’m back now. And for your information, I think marriage is romantic. It must be nice knowing someone has your back no matter what. I’d like to get married someday. Wouldn’t you? I mean, if you found the right person to spend the rest of your life with it must be kind of nice.
Reed: Nah, too permanent for me.
Me: Says the man covered in tattoos.
Reed: Touché.
Me: I’m tired. Going to bed. Goodnight.
Reed: Night.