Page 72 of Irreplaceable
“Thank you, Mr. Allen. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Then you should know that everyone calls me Doc.” I couldn’t get a read on his tone, but I sensed he was wary of me.
I nodded and reached over to shake Mrs. Allen’s hand, and she said, “Call me Linda.”
“Auntie Harper!” A little boy ran up to Harper and wrapped his arms around her legs.
“Teddy!” She bent over and hugged him. “I missed you!”
She stood, her hand still on his shoulder. “This is my nephew, Teddy. And my brother Landon,” Harper said as a couple joined the group. The woman was young but wore a tired smile as she rocked a baby in her arms. “And his wife, Jo, and their daughter, Stella.”
Teddy turned his attention to me and screwed up his face. “Who’s the tall guy?”
I laughed and crouched down to his level. “I’m Enzo. Nice to meet you.”
He narrowed his eyes at me then asked, “Are you really a famous soccer player?”
So much for the elephant in the room. Leave it to the kid to run right over it.
“I am a soccer player, yes.”
“Want to play?”
“I’d love to,” I said at the same time Jo said, “Oh, that’s not necessary.”
Stella started fussing, and Doc Allen took the baby. He and Linda cooed over her, walking farther into the garden as they sang to her.
“Are you kidding?” I asked. “I’ve been cooped up in a car the past five hours. I could do with some fun.”
“Oh, and spending time with me wasn’t fun?” Harper challenged, a sparkle in her eye.
“Uccellina, con te mi diverto sempre.” I took her hand and lifted it to my lips, kissing it while holding her gaze.
“Hot damn,” Jo said. “I have no idea what you just said, but that was sexy.”
“Jo!” Landon glared at her.
“What? It was.”
“He could’ve called her a pig who likes rolling in the mud.”
I laughed at their banter. Jo’s reaction was typical of many women—they were easily seduced by the accent.
Teddy tugged on my wrist. “Can we go? Please?”
“Let’s do it.”
Jo turned her attention to Harper. “Do you want something to drink? I think we have some of that pinot noir you love from the winery just down the road.”
Harper shook her head. “I’m, uh, good. A bit tired after the drive. I don’t want to fall asleep in the middle of Dad’s party.”
Jo cocked her head to the side but said nothing more as she led Harper to the drinks table. I followed the guys farther into the yard. We kicked the ball around for a while, until the questions inevitably started. Just not the ones I’d expected. “So, Enzo, how’d you meet my sister?”
“In Bali. We were both there on business.”
“Where’s Chase?” Harper asked from a tree swing at the edge of our makeshift field. She held up a bottle of water for me and shook it as if in question.
I jogged over to her. “Thank you.” I kissed her cheek.