Page 3 of The Wolf's Captive
A tinkling laugh echoed around us as Zoe placed her own mask on her face – it was light pink, of course, with twinkly crystals stuck to it.
“Darling,” she started in her strong French accent, “you’ve been living under a rock. It’s time you learnt not to be so afraid.”
Waving a hand in dismissal, I reached for my bag and leather jacket. It was a good job I was wearing black already, it suited the mask well, although a pretty dress would’ve suited it better. Still, I wouldn’t quite go as far as to get dressed up. What would Malone think? – No, I couldn’t think like that, I had to forget about my mate for now.
“Let’s go,” I said in reply.
Zoe didn’t know much about what had happened to me, it was too dangerous to reveal everything. However, she understood that I was basically in hiding. I could trust her to take care of me, hence why she’d brought a perfectly suitable mask for the ball.
Inclining her head, Zoe inched her bag into the crook of her arm and followed me out of the door, waiting patiently while I locked up the shop.
The owner, Selena, was semi-retired and had insisted she show me how to lock up right from day one, just so she could go out drinking with her friends. She was eighty.
“And you promise this isn’t an orgy?” I asked as we started down the street. “I’ve read about your Kings and Queens and how liberal you french are, you dirty lot.”
Chuckling, Zoe shook her head. “We don’t have a monarchy anymore, remember? Although, that didn’t seem to stop us in that department.”
We both laughed as we crossed the busy street and headed down a small street that led to the edge of the Eiffel Tower Park. There were tourists snapping pictures of the famous landmark and taking selfies with each other. Their carefree excitement made me nostalgic, especially as most of them were couples having a lovely time. Malone and I had rarely had the chance to let our hair down, let alone travel to see the most romantic spots in the world.
Zoe slowed me down as I sped up, linking her arm through mine. Her stride turned to a stroll as she watched the people, a smile on her face. “Isn’t it romantic, seeing everyone enjoying themselves?”
“Yeah, it’s fucking amazing,” I replied, not bothering to hide my resentful tone.
She frowned, her gaze shooting to me. “You English can be so coarse.”
I glanced at her, rolling my eyes when she winked at me, her smile spreading into a grin. Her jokey tone lifted my mood but only a fraction.
“Come on now,” she said, nudging me in the side, “lighten up.”
Her own happiness had been a balm to me ever since she’d decided to befriend me. I had been miserable, and still was, sitting in my basement apartment every single night after work. My existence had become an obsession, reading every spell I could get my hands on over the internet.
I’d even visited the local library to see if there were any books hidden anywhere. Alas, my efforts had been futile. Clearly.
“I’ll try.”
A strong scent of wolf wafted up my nose as we moved out of the park and ran across another road. Zoe tugged me to the entrance of a restaurant, guiding me straight in and through the tables, waving to a man with slicked back black hair.
The stench of fur, cologne, and food made my stomach churn as I ducked my head, not wanting the waiter to see me. Regret was already worming its way through my brain, berating me. Whose stupid idea was it to agree to attend a party? Oh yeah, mine.
“There’ll be some lovely men here tonight,” Zoe said, winking at me when I glared at her.
She had no idea that I was mated to an alpha. In fact, I had never mentioned my relationship status. Was I that sad that she had assumed that I was single? Maybe she was right, I should let my hair down.
Shaking off my reservations as we neared a door at the back of the restaurant, I tried to bring back the old Della. The Della who had been a witch with an awesome brother and spell shop. The Della who hadn’t been turned into a hybrid and mated to an alpha. The Della who hadn’t been cradling herself to sleep, crying into her pillow, every night since she’d left her mate behind. That was the Della I needed to be, just to get some normality back.
“Bonjour, Zoe,” a man said from behind the bar, waving her to go through the door. “Have fun.”
“Is this some kind of wolf orgy secret sex club?” I asked, almost tripping over when Zoe dragged me through the now open door.
“Shush!” Her hiss echoed through the small dingy corridor. “Wolves have great hearing, remember?”
I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was about to walk into a dungeon with multiple wolves mating on the floor, either in wolf or human form. I wasn’t sure I was ready for such a sight.
“It’s just a place for my pack to mingle. Don’t be so paranoid.”
Heading for the plain looking white door at the end of the corridor, Zoe almost skipped, the spring in her step getting higher the further we went. As soon as she flung open the door, I paused.
The cool air of the outside reached in and dragged me out to meet it. A tiny pathway wound through several plants and trees, highlighted by small twinkling fairy lights that were dotted between the leaves.