Page 4 of The Wolf's Captive
My breath hitched as we wandered around the corner and into a pretty yard with a big stone fountain in the centre. The tinkling of the falling water soothed my soul, inviting me to investigate further.
Stepping stones surrounded the round base of the fountain, wet from the droplets splashing against the ridged circular statue. The stones stretched off, leading to a thick wooden door, which was almost hidden under hanging ivy. The mystery of the place could’ve been straight out of a fable.
All the better to surprise you, my dear.
A sting squeezed my chest as my mind travelled back to my first meeting with Malone. I’d viewed him as the big bad wolf from Red Riding Hood, playing a game in my mind. And here I was, using it again. But he wasn’t here. My alpha.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Zoe’s whispered words broke me out of my daze.
Every time I got lost in a thought about my mate, I remembered his broody expression the most. Oh goddess, how I missed the scowl of his handsome face.
“It certainly is.” My reply was in relation to something other than the pretty courtyard, but I wouldn’t tell Zoe that.
No, Malone was my secret, someone to protect.
Once again, pushing him out of my mind – I needed a lobotomy to make it a permanent thing. Okay, that was maybe pushing it a little too far and wasn’t even funny. Jeez, my humour had become dark.
“So… anything I need to know?”
Taking care to avoid the splashes of the fountain, we slipped up to the door. Zoe glanced at me, a frown creasing her eyebrows.
“No, Cherie. It’s all about being yourself and relaxing. You could do with a few drinks, no?”
Nodding, I allowed her to lead the way when the door opened, revealing a tall slim man who wore an elegant mask.
“Zoe,” he greeted, air kissing her cheeks as she stepped into the building.
Going with her, I swallowed when the man glanced at me, a slight crease marring his perfectly smooth forehead. I didn’t blame him, I probably smelt of coffee and greasy hair. What can I say? It had been a fairly busy day and it wasn’t like Zoe had given me a chance to freshen up.
“This is my guest.” Zoe’s announcement was a statement daring to be challenged.
With a nod, the man indicated that we should pass him. I released my held breath, grateful that the French man hadn’t wanted to air-kiss me. I hadn’t touched a male since leaving England, and I wasn’t about to start now.
Following Zoe into the endearing open air hallway, I gazed around, enjoying the French décor. The cobbled entranceway had a small but pretty stairway leading up to a wraparound balcony. The concrete steps had a charming iron bannister, painted black and leading up to the top.
Several people stood on the balcony, looking over or talking with friends. Doors led off to what I could only assume were the bedrooms.
“I love this place,” Zoe said with a nostalgic sigh. “Even tried to persuade my alpha to let me buy it. Alas, he refused.”
A set of double doors were ajar to the left, the green painted leaves on the glass bringing the outside in. The floor turned to marble as we walked into the reception room. The furniture had been moved to the side to allow for guests to stand around and mingle. It reminded me of a scene from a French period drama.
Shit, I was completely underdressed.
The ladies in the room wore exquisite ball gowns or appealing Victorian gothic corset dresses. Their masks were covered in lace and crystals, one even had chakra crystals hanging from it. A spiritual wolf – who knew such a thing existed?
“Don’t worry,” Zoe said. “Everyone is free to be who they are here.”
I somehow doubted the pack would appreciate a hybrid witch from England. Especially one who had a ton of baggage.
“Zoe.” The man’s heavy drawl came from behind us.
Whipping round, I held a hand to my chest. For a split second, he had sounded like Malone, except with a hint of a French accent, but the tone… shit, the tone had sent a fuck ton of shivers over my skin.
“Louis,” Zoe greeted, delicately wrapping her arms around the hulk in front of her.
There was no air kissing, instead she lifted his mask and pressed her lips against his cheek, giggling as she pulled away. The man was unmoved, his stoic expression barely shifting until he looked at me.
A frown tugged his smooth forehead down. I ducked my head before remembering that I wasn’t a submissive member of his pack. I was Della Mason, powerful wolf – and witch – with alpha DNA.