Page 12 of Ms. Claus's List
Mine and Nick’s personal quarters took up the entire third floor of the main building. Windows lined the inner walls of my chambers, overlooking the Great Hall below like an indoor solarium. Ordinarily, the place would be filled with happy chatter and innocent entertainment. But loud music still thumped, elves screwed out in the open, some dancing butt-ass naked and some so deep in the cups, they had passed out completely on the food tables. Three nude men sat on top of a huge barrel of ale, arms around each other, singing a carol, frothy mugs held high in drunken chorus. The elf on the end had his cock hanging over the edge and when a pretty Dökkálfr girl came up to get some ale, she boldly gave his balls a tug. Laughing, she got a refill and ran off. With a wink at his friends, he hopped down and chased after her. The two left behind shrugged off the loss of their singing partner, downed their ale, and in unspoken unison began to French the shit out of each other.
Horny critters, elves.
I smiled as someone swung from the chandelier, waving drunkenly at me. He landed agilely on the second floor near Nick’s office. My smile faded, however, when I saw a drunk reindeer stumbling across the dance floor.
“Damn reindeer,” I muttered.
I spied Donna tucked in a corner with that hot blonde chick from the Wooden Toys Division. The blonde knelt before her, face buried deep in my assistant’s bush. I grinned. Donna deserved as many orgasms as she could get.
“Thank you,” a voice whispered beside me.
I turned in surprise to see Pip standing there. Our other two lovers still slept soundly, tangled up in each other’s arms.
“I should say thank you,” I answered, tussling his rumpled blond hair.
We both watched the shenanigans going on outside the quiet of my chambers for a while until Pip startled me by asking, “Why did you pick me, Ms. Claus?”
I thought about it for a moment. From the first second I saw him, there had been no doubt he would be in my bed tonight. “I’m not sure, really,” I replied honestly. “You just have this—” I grappled at thin air with my hand, trying to pluck the right word out “—sparkle.”
Pip smiled. “A sparkle?”
I nodded, deciding the word had been right. “Yes. A sparkle.”
Though he appeared flattered by my assessment, he said, “That’s a new one.”
“Why did you sign the List?”
His smooth cheeks flushed—with embarrassment or arousal, I couldn’t tell. “You must know how we all feel about you and Santa,” he whispered, his voice unsure.
Calling my brother “Santa” told me Pip had been a newer arrival to the North Pole. “Of course I do. We both do. But not everyone signs up forthis.” I gestured around my chambers, discarded clothing everywhere and two sleeping, naked men in the bed.
Looking down at his feet in an adorably innocent fashion, he replied, “I just wanted to be a part of all that the North Pole has to offer, ya know? Finally be included.”
So maybe the real reason he signed my List was because all of the other elves never let poor Pip join in any elven games. As I didn’t possess my brother’s gift of reading folks, it was only a guess, however. Curious about this little elf, but not wanting to push him, I smiled and caressed his bare shoulder. “I understand, Pip.”
He beamed under my attentions, reflecting all the joy of Christmas one should expect from a North Pole elf. “Can I show you my thanks for choosing me, please?”
I gave him a sideways grin. “What do you have in mind?”
“I love chocolate and peppermint.” He gave a naughty arch of his brow.
“By all means.” I gestured dramatically to a chaise longue in the corner. The champagne bucket sat on a stand nearby, and I poured a glass before I stretched out, robe open. Flute in hand, I smiled at the eager Pip and spread my legs.
“Thank you, Ms. Claus,” he breathed, blue eyes wide. “Thank you.”
Tenderly, he began to lick me, not rough, as if he knew how sensitive I must be from all the previous attentions last night.
“Ooh, that’s nice,” I sighed, taking a sip of champagne. Resting my head back, I closed my eyes, basking in the oral worship.
Pip slowly, lovingly, ate any remnants of cum from my body. I didn’t have an orgasm, but the gentle ministrations drew me closer to my sweet little toy. He was light and kindness, just like the rest of the Ljósálfar people, happiness personified. Perhaps if the humans met my dear Pip, they’d think their renditions of Santa’s elves had been accurate. Of course, if they saw him, on his knees lapping at chocolate cum and his own peppermint essence from my pussy, they would more than likely be horrified.
Pip’s tongue soon became more insistent, running harder over my clit with each pass. Moaning, I reached for a breast, rolling the nipple between my fingers. “Suck that spot.”
“This one?” His voice had thickened from lust.
When he sucked in the nub of my clit, I jerked in the seat, almost spilling my drink. “Yes!”
Chuckling, he did it again and I felt the gnawing hunger growing inside me once more. Damn, how many times would these three make me come?