Page 13 of Ms. Claus's List
Pip slurped and teased me. “Mmmm, you taste so good,” he purred.
I set my glass down and used both hands to caress his silken hair, the gentle undulation of my hips meeting his tongue. “Where’s that dildo?”
Pip looked up at me, his face flushed, drenched, and absolutely delirious. I kissed him once, delighting in the mixed flavors of our lovemaking. He scurried toward the pile of discarded clothing beside the door, quickly returning with the toy.
“Wish I had a hand in making this mold.” He sounded wistful.
I chuckled at his longing expression as he examined the life-like brass cock. “You’re funny, Pip.”
“An elf’s gotta have something going for him.” He shrugged dismissively, and while I could tell my compliments pleased him, I could also tell he didn’t believe them. If the fleeting glimpse of awkwardness flashing in his blue eyes were any indication, Pip wasn’t used to being told nice things. Sure, he’d been a more-than-confident lover, but it could just be his secret inclinations being enhanced by my influence.
I knew at that moment I had chosen correctly. Pip needed this, needed my help. He would benefit the most from tonight. My powers had been intended for far more than making one horny. Nick derived joy and strengthened his magic by giving to others and answering the pleas of hearts that remained silent to all but him. The living, breathing representation of the phrase, “It is better to give than receive.”
However, my bliss came from making folks realize true happiness came from loving yourself.
As twins, I was the flip side to our coin. The yin to Nick’s yang.
There could be no Christmas without both of us. Nick brought joy yet I could create it from within.
I hadn’t allowed myself to get sentimental like this in decades. The crass greed and commercialism of Christmas had me longing for the debauched days of the past. Yet, somehow, with Pip smiling at me, his confident exterior hiding an unsure, frightened boy, a burst of real Christmas spirit seized me and I wanted to cry out, “God bless us, everyone!”
But not wanting Pip to think I’d gone batty, I smiled at him, knowing there were far more effective—and more fun—ways of sharing my unique Christmas gifts.
I held my hand out to him. “Come.”
Grinning, he crawled toward me and I pulled him close for a long, slow kiss, tasting myself on him. I poured my magic into him through that kiss, feeling the warm sparkly bits of it dancing around us. When I pulled back, Pip’s eyes were closed, his face lost in the bliss and euphoria of my magic.
Yes, that ought to set his self-doubts at ease. I wondered what kind of deviant ideas he would come up with now that I had really boosted his self-confidence.
However, before I had a chance to find out, a knock on the door interrupted us.
“Lady Frieda?”
“Come in,” I called when I recognized my assistant’s voice. I picked up my flute and took a sip of bubbly, not bothering to close my robe. Ahh, champagne, candy-flavored cum, and pussy. My favorite.
Donna popped her head in the door. “Just came to give you a Santa update,” she reported, her shirt buttoned crooked, cheeks red, and hair askew. Her gaze dropped to Pip, reclining on the floor beside me, cock rock hard, and his head resting on my thigh as I played with his hair. My other two sleeping beauties stirred, rubbing their eyes and stretching.
Gods love her, Donna remained completely professional. Clasping her clipboard in front of her, she adjusted her glasses. “Santa finished North America, Europe, and Asia. He just reported starting Australia so it won’t be long.” When she saw my disappointment that our free day was almost over, she quickly added, “He’s not too ahead of schedule yet so don’t worry. I brought you and your guests some breakfast refreshments.” She gestured for someone to enter.
The muff-diver from earlier. Hmmm, Donna always had excellent taste.
A buxom blonde, the elf carried a tray of hot cocoa, more champagne, strawberries, candy, cookies, and salty snacks, too. Chips, pretzels, breads, and cheeses. Thank goodness! One could die of sugar overload in this place. Though the elves required high amounts of sugar for their health, I needed variety. Blondie set her burden down, gave my cunt a lewd once-over, ignoring Pip totally, and left.
“Thank you, sweetie,” I told Donna, whose eyes were glued to the provocative sway of her lover’s hips. With a chuckle, I winked at Pip, and tossed the brass dildo to my distracted assistant. “Now go get her and fuck her hard with that. Let me know when we have thirty minutes.”
Grinning, Donna took the new toy and practically ran off after Blondie.
“Look who’s up,” Pip observed when the door closed behind the two women. The elves sat upright in my giant bed. Lars smiled dreamily as he stroked Erik’s cheek, kissing him sweetly. Turning an interesting shade of red, Erik dipped his head and looked nervously at us. Erik had fun last night, for sure, but he must still be unsure about blatant affection with a man.
I grinned at my coconspirator. “And with me still so sleepy.”
“We could watch them,” Pip suggested.
Erik fidgeted and his eyes widened. A lecherous grin spread across Lars’s face.
“What do you have in mind, Pip?” I asked, caressing his hair and tucking it behind his ears.