Page 61 of Stay with Me
Father Fritz took them in with rounded eyes, his cheeks flushing. “Beatrice, ye were right,” he shouted over his shoulder outside. “They have their hands all over each other, that they do. Good thing I knocked.”
With a start, Sybil broke away, ducking her head and crossing toward the table.
Nicholas folded his arms and narrowed his eyes at the priest. “What do you want?”
Father Fritz held up the same canister of salve that Nicholas had brought with him from the dungeon. “’Tis time for me to doctor your wounds.”
The priest had been faithfully tending him morn and night. But now was not the time. “Come back later.”
Father Fritz shot another look over his shoulder. “Blimey. Ye were right on that score too, Beatrice. Nicholas wants me to doctor him later.”
Faintly, he could hear Beatrice’s scolding voice calling out, “I told you to leave them be.”
Sybil was stirring one of the bowls of pottage too fast, spilling some onto the table. Even as every muscle in Nicholas’s body ached to pull her back against him and continue kissing her, heknew he was playing a dangerous game with temptation. Maybe this interruption by Father Fritz was for the best.
“I’ll leave ye two lovers be.” Father Fritz glanced at Sybil. Finding her back turned, he grinned at Nicholas, then waggled his eyebrows.
Nicholas deepened his scowl even though a part of him wanted to laugh. “You may as well stay and put on the salve, now that you are here.”
“I don’t mind coming back later, my dear son.” Father Fritz’s grin remained in place. “It’s just that since yer leaving soon, I thought—”
“Leaving soon?” Sybil spun, the pottage now dripping from the spoon onto the floor.
How had Father Fritz learned of his plans? Nicholas scowled at the priest again, but it wasn’t his fault. Likely Ralph had spoken to Beatrice. And once Beatrice had news, it wasn’t long before the whole village was privy to it.
As Father Fritz took in the surprise upon Sybil’s countenance, his grin slipped away. “Well, now, I guess I’d better get my noggy on my way. I be needing to attend to one of the villagers who’s been urgently asking for... prayer... anointing... the Holy Eucharist... and possibly even baptism—”
“Stay.” Nicholas no longer wanted to be alone with Sybil, not now that she knew of his leaving. Father Fritz would be able to help if she cried overmuch.
Nicholas pulled off his tunic and dropped to the bench at the table. Besides, Father Fritz was right. He needed another coating of the healing salve before he departed. Though the wounds didn’t hurt nearly as much anymore, they still stung.
Father Fritz didn’t move and neither did Sybil.
“Where are you going?” she asked quietly.
Was her question the calm before the storm? “Away. To keep Simon from tracking me here and thus exposing the village.”
She set the spoon down on the table and pinned it there, as if she were afraid it would fly away with him.
Nicholas motioned Father Fritz in with a curt nod.
The priest’s eyes only opened wider, and he shook his head.
“Saint’s blood, Father Fritz. Put the salve on.”
Father Fritz scurried toward him, not daring to look at Sybil.
Perhaps the priest would do no good after all. He seemed more frightened of her reaction than Nicholas.
“You’re right.” Sybil’s voice was still much too calm. “You need to leave.”
Father Fritz, in the process of opening the tin, paused and expelled a long breath. “There, no harm done—”
“And I’m going with you.” Sybil lifted her chin and met Nicholas’s gaze with a steely one of her own.
Something about her challenge, as previously, gave him a secret thrill. Even though he liked that she spoke her mind and wasn’t afraid of peril, he couldn’t take her. Or could he? If she came, then he wouldn’t have to leave her behind and worry for her safety.
On the other hand, he had no guarantee that once he made himself prey to Simon’s men he’d be able to outrun and outwit them. Having her along might slow him down and put her needlessly in harm’s way—especially since she was only just learning to ride a horse.