Page 62 of Stay with Me
She studied his face, as if reading his thoughts.
“I would take you if I could.” It was the truth. He wasn’t merely saying so to placate her the same way he’d done with Jane. Sybil was a stronger woman. She was capable and skilled and smart. And her words from several nights ago echoed in his head:“I won’t be content to be left behind to do menial things. I’ll help you with defending the innocent from their accusers.”
Maybe someday she could ride with and help him. But not this time.
He braced himself once again for sobs and tantrums. But they never came.
Instead, she lowered herself to the bench opposite his. “What is your plan? How will you stay ahead of Simon’s men?” Her eyes were dark and serious, and her question was just as purposeful, as though she had every intent of advising him on how to travel without getting caught.
With a cock of his head toward Father Fritz, who had begun to administer the salve, Sybil nodded, seeming to understand that he would do best not to reveal his plans. The marks on his back attested to how brutal Simon could be when attempting to extract information. And he didn’t want to jeopardize anyone with information Simon might find useful.
They talked and ate their pottage while Father Fritz applied the salve. When finished, Beatrice made an appearance to clear off their meal, also offering to help Sybil with her hair and head covering.
Nicholas bowed out of the cottage to allow the women privacy and also to see about borrowing the swiftest mount possible. As he walked away from the cottage with Father Fritz babbling nonstop, Nicholas already missed being with Sybil after only minutes away from her. He truly wished she could accompany him, but he sensed this was a mission he would accomplish better on his own.
~ 23 ~
Sybil wasn’t ready to saygood-bye to Nicholas. But as she stood on the edge of Devil’s Bend with the gathering of villagers, she knew it was for the best. She couldn’t ride a horse well enough yet. And sharing a mount with Nicholas would slow him down as he tried to outrun Simon’s men and lead them out of the Weald.
He spoke in hushed tones with Ralph and several other older men. From the seriousness of their expressions, she knew they were all worried for Nicholas.
She tried to tell herself he would be fine, that he wouldn’t allow Simon to capture him. But she only had to think about how badly he’d been hurt when she found him in the dungeon to know he wasn’t a superhero. He could be captured, hurt, even killed in this dangerous era when the law and law enforcement seemed to be at the whim of a select few.
Even though her blood had been running cold since Father Fritz had spilled the news about Nicholas’s leaving, she’d kept her emotions in check. Regardless, a part of her had started to panic. She’d come to the past to help Nicholas. How could she do that if he was far away from her?
She gave herself permission to study him openly a final time, lingering over his strong profile. She’d learned much about him during their few days together as man and wife. Not only was he a patient teacher, but he was encouraging and giving and nothing ever seemed to ruffle him. He’d easily accepted her athleticism and desire to become proficient with his weapons.And he seemed to enjoy spending time with her as much as she had with him.
He’d remained true to his word to give them time to get to know each other and, after their first night, hadn’t initiated any physical contact again until just a little while ago when he’d carried her back to the cottage. She could see now that the total abstinence had been wise, since just one touch, one kiss, hadn’t satisfied her.
But she also knew why he’d allowed the contact—he’d known he was leaving and that the kisses wouldn’t lead anywhere.
What if he didn’t return? What if she never saw him again?
An ache formed deep inside, one of need for this man in a way that was almost frightening. The need pulsed swiftly and fiercely through her chest, nearly sending her to her knees with the pain of the longing.
Was this what falling in love felt like? Had she fallen in love with Nicholas already? It seemed impossible. But her desire for him was stronger than what she’d ever felt for anyone else.
She could only pray he’d return soon—maybe within a few days, at the very least a week. Yet even that might be too long. For if he survived, would she still be here when he came back?
She didn’t know what was happening with her body in the present day. If no one had found her, would she die under the steps? Without IV fluids and monitoring, she wouldn’t last but a few days in the closet. And if someone had discovered her and taken her to the hospital, what if Harrison and Ellen were returning from their honeymoon and figuring out a way to revive her? Maybe they’d located more holy water and had the dose necessary to bring a her out of the coma and a second dose to keep her alive.
As if sensing her gaze upon him, Nicholas glanced up. Something intense radiated in his eyes. Were his emotions the same as hers? Was he drawing as close to her as she was to him?
“I would have a last moment with my wife.” He spoke with an authority that never failed to command action from the men.
The men bowed their heads. With a nod, he watched them walk away with the women. They were leaving her alone in the shadows of the woodland with a man who represented everything good and right in the world.
Nicholas stood a dozen paces away. He was holding the reins of his mount, but he was also holding her heart captive.
Birdsong and the chatter of squirrels filled the morning along with the laughter of several children playing together while watching the sheep.
“Be careful and be smart.” She offered the words of advice she gave to her team members before an especially tricky investigation.
“I vow it.” He seemed to give himself permission to take her in, starting with her face and then sweeping over the length of her. When his gaze met hers again, an undeniable heat darkened his eyes. “Be here when I return?”
She wished she could promise him as easily as he’d promised her. But she couldn’t. “I’ll do my best.”
Apparently, her answer didn’t satisfy him. He released his horse’s reins and closed the distance between them swiftly. He grasped her hands first, then cupped her cheek. “You must be here.” His voice was hoarse.