Page 92 of Stay with Me
She responded as eagerly and intensely as always, giving him a kiss that contained her past, present, and future.
Although he wanted to keep on exploring, he pulled back and let his labored breathing mingle with hers.
“I may have once believed I’d found love,” he whispered. “But I did not know what love truly was until I met you.”
Her eyes, filling with wonder, never left his.
“You are my destiny.” Somehow the Almighty and His miracles had brought and kept them together. And he would forever be thankful for so boundless a gift.
“And you are mine,” she whispered passionately.
He leaned in, needing to kiss her again.
But she scrambled off the bed before he could stop her. She stood at the edge, her eyes bright, the bottle clutched tightly. Sheheld out a hand. “Let’s go give the miracle to as many people as we can.”
He took her offering, and as he stood, he knew he’d been given the greatest miracle of all. The chance to love a woman as amazing as her.
~ 36 ~
A month in the past.She’d lived an entire month in the year 1382.
Sybil reined in her mount on the drawbridge of Reider Castle and waited as the outer gate lifted. The stone walls spread out on either side of the bridge in a perfect symmetry of workmanship. The gatehouse towers stood tall above her, flags flapping in the breeze. The afternoon sunlight glistened on the moat.
Was it possible that a mere four weeks ago she’d been in the castle as an investigator, searching the abandoned fortress that had lain in disarray and ruins? And now here she was with it fully alive and whole and retaining all its magnificent glory.
She breathed in and let her sights wander to the tufts of grass growing along the wall and the bright whites and yellows of wildflowers. The scents of horseflesh and hay mingled with the smokiness that still filled her awareness.
Somehow she’d survived the dangerous but permanent transition to the past, and now her life was more real and alive than it had ever been, as if she’d been living in a black-and-white world that had suddenly turned to color. In fact, the longer she was in the past, the more the memories of her other life turned duller. Eventually, maybe they’d become so distant they’d feel like a dream.
Yes, there were still adjustments. She plucked at the skirt of her gown, another elegant creation that Lady Theresa had given her, this one a deep crimson Nicholas claimed suited her. She was still irritated that someone had destroyed her jeans, T-shirt, and leather jacket, although she still had her combat boots.
But she was becoming more proficient at managing the flowing skirts and maneuvering in the tight bodices. She’d decided the inconvenience was worth it to see the flare of desire in Nicholas’s eyes whenever she allowed the servants to turn her into a proper lady. He’d look at her with a smolder that would only grow hotter, until at last he’d make up an excuse to get alone with her.
She couldn’t hold back a smile at the memory of only last night at supper, how she’d caressed his hand under the table until he’d commanded her sharply to accompany him to the kitchen so they could discuss the need for more seasoning. His footsteps had slapped almost angrily as he’d pulled her along, down the passageway toward the kitchen. He’d stopped abruptly at one of the storeroom doors, kicked it open, and started to kiss her before managing to pull her inside and close the door behind them.
On the mount beside her, his leg brushed against hers.
She bit back her smile and met his dark eyes, as rich and unfathomable as always.
“Have I told you yet today that I love you?” His question was low, meant for her ears alone and not the archers who’d ridden with them.
“Not yet.” He might not have spoken the words, but he’d shown it in a dozen different ways.
“I love you with all of my being.” His eyes held hers, and this time he trailed the length of her arm with his gloved hand.
The contact brought a quick shudder of pleasure and an eagerness to be alone with him. How long would she have to wait? Would they have time to retire to their room? Or would they have too many matters needing their attention before the evening meal?
They’d spent the day riding the perimeter of the land in the Weald that now belonged to them, a gift from the king toNicholas for his courage and his role in protecting England and Canterbury from a French attack. The majority of French ships hadn’t been able to make it past the extra English patrols in the Channel. The contingent that had landed and started on their way toward Canterbury had been ambushed by the king’s forces, led by Lord Clayborne. They’d been forced to retreat—chased to the coast, where most had been captured or killed.
While Simon had been lying abed with the plague, Nicholas’s mother, Lady Theresa, had searched for and gathered the various French missives Simon had hidden throughout his solar. She’d sent her old servant to find Nicholas, bearing the package of communications with the French that had effectively sealed Simon’s fate and officially exonerated Nicholas from any guilt.
The king’s men hadn’t needed to come and arrest Simon. He’d died in his bed.
By the time the plague had run its course, at least a third of the people at Reider Castle had perished. Those who’d survived were left with the task of mourning those they’d lost and burying the dead. Thankfully, Lady Theresa and her old servant had remained untouched by illness.
While Simon’s oldest son was next in line to inherit Reider Castle and the other Worth holdings, the king had granted the inheritance to Nicholas instead, making him the new lord.
At first, Nicholas hadn’t been sure if he wanted to rule his brother’s people and land. Sybil knew how much Nicholas feared becoming like his father and brother, but she had urged him to use his leadership for good, especially for the outlaws who’d lost their homes in Devil’s Bend. If he remained in charge, he could provide refuge and new opportunities for many more people to come.