Page 93 of Stay with Me
Although hesitant at first, Nicholas had begun to embrace his new position. Sybil was relieved he’d allowed her to be a part ofhelping him. They’d spent countless hours talking and planning. And riding out to their new land.
Nicholas leaned in and brushed a kiss against her neck. Then he pressed his mouth to her ear. “I would show you my adoration, if you would permit me.”
Another shiver of pleasure coursed through her. She wanted to press in and touch her lips to his. Instead, she nudged her horse onward, casting him a look she knew contained her desire. “I’ll think about it, my lord.”
She could hear him clattering behind her, his gaze searing into her and setting her afire. Her skin flushed and her stomach clenched with need. She was surprised at how much she loved being with him and sharing the marriage bed. It was all the sweeter because of how sensitive he’d been, waiting until after his healing from the plague for another week to give them more time to spend together, getting to know each other better.
As she rode through the gatehouse and through the bailey into the inner courtyard, she couldn’t imagine being anywhere else but here with him. Even though at times she thought about Dawson and how her death might have affected him, she was at peace in knowing she’d done all she could for her brother. Now it was time for him to find his own way without her.
Once in a while, she also regretted that she hadn’t been able to bring Dr. Lionel to justice. But she knew that even if she’d gone back to the present, there was the very real chance she might never have been able to catch him.
“There be the blissful couple!” Father Fritz shouted as he stood at the base of the steps leading up into the keep, his long robes swirling around him. Although he’d been breathing his last when she and Nicholas had arrived in the cottage where he’d fallen ill, thankfully, the sip of holy water had revived him, and now he was back to being his eccentric self.
With a wide smile, he beamed at a couple standing beside him. “Ye best be speaking yer business to the lord and his bride before they be sneaking away to their bed. Then ye’ll not be seeing them for a long spell.”
The archers riding behind Nicholas and her guffawed but then rapidly became silent as Ralph stepped out of the garrison and leveled a glare upon them. The older man had nearly died of his arrow wound, but she and Nicholas had given him the holy water in time too, along with Beatrice. The older woman was delighted now that she was serving in the castle as Sybil’s main maidservant.
They’d used up most of the holy water. All but a scant few tablespoons remained at the bottom of the bottle from Walsingham. Nicholas had corked the vial and placed it in their bedroom in a secret compartment in the wall. He’d wanted to keep the remainder, just in case they ever needed it.
They both still battled old fears and maybe always would. But they were getting better at facing the things that held them back.
As Nicholas took in the visitors, his handsome face creased with both irritation and anger. “Who allowed in strangers? With the plague still ravaging the countryside, we can ill afford more exposure.”
“Stop the aggin’, my dear son.” Father Fritz leveled a stern, fatherly look upon Nicholas. “He be a good friend of mine, and never in a rain of pig’s pudding would he bring ye harm.”
Nicholas didn’t dismount. “Who are you and what do you want?” His question was blunt and unfriendly. But Sybil had learned to trust him, that in all his interactions he only had the best interest of the people he loved at heart.
The taller visitor removed his wide hood first, revealing the distinguished face of a middle-aged man. “I am Lord Wilkin of Barsham in Norfolk.” With the streaks of silver in his dark hair and trim beard, he had the bearing of a man of means.He regarded Nicholas with keen eyes, although Sybil sensed no malice in him.
“Lord Wilkin.” Nicholas’s grip upon the hilt of his sword relaxed. “I have heard of your valor at Beauce with the Black Prince.”
Lord Wilkin bowed his head. “And I have heard of your valor as well.”
His wife had turned now. With her hood shadowing her face, Sybil couldn’t distinguish any features, but she had a sudden strange feeling she knew the woman.
“Lord Wilkin.” Nicholas’s tone grew more congenial. “This is my new bride. Lady Sybil.”
Lord Wilkin bowed to Sybil before waving a hand at his wife. “May I introduce my wife as well. This is Lady Cecilia.”
A shiver worked its way up Sybil’s backbone. Cecilia. That was her mum’s name. What were the odds?
The woman nodded, then slowly lifted her hood away from her head, letting it fall to her back. As she shifted, Sybil found herself gazing into green eyes the same color as hers and into a face she hadn’t seen in four years.
Her breath stuck in her lungs.
The woman’s eyes brimmed with tears, and her lips trembled. “Hi, Sybil.” Though the woman’s hair was covered with a veil, the dark brown was unmistakable.
“Mum?” Sybil couldn’t dismount fast enough. She was on the ground before Nicholas could assist her down.
In the next instant, she found herself being swept into the arms of the one person she’d never thought she’d see again.
How had this happened?
Her mum squeezed her hard, and Sybil returned the embrace, never wanting to let go.
When her mum finally pulled back, she stroked Sybil’s hair, even as tears continued to flow.
“How did you know I was here?” Sybil wiped at the wetness on her own cheeks.