Page 113 of Corrupt Princess
This isn’t one of our hotels, but it’s one the girls should be safe in. If something were to happen here, then it’s not just the Cirillos the Marianos need to be looking over their shoulder for but someone much, much worse.
Heeding that advice, I surge forward, getting to the door a beat before Theo and Seb. I don’t look up at them for fear of the expression on their faces making my fears seem founded.
Everything is fine. It has to be.
My fist slams down on the solid wood hard enough to wake the living dead a beat before Theo helpfully pulls out a master key and pushes it into the lock. Of fucking course.
I can barely contain my eye roll as he unlocks it with ease, happily shouting, “Honey, I’m home,” and pushing into the suite.
For just a couple of seconds, everything that’s been rioting inside me all night settles. The prospect of seeing her, of pulling her into my arms, breathing her in, proving to myself that no matter how fucked up everything might be outside of this room, she’s here and she’s safe.
But then, I look up and everything comes crashing down around me once more.
The room is destroyed. Furniture is trashed, things are shattered and there’s—
Vomit crawls up my throat at the sight of blood… everywhere.
“What happened?” Seb demands a beat before Daemon surges from the back of our group.
“Calli, what’s wrong?”
He’s breaking through the girls huddle in seconds and pulling my sister into his arms.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt? I’m taking you to the hospital,” he states, not giving her enough time to respond to the first two as his panic takes over.
I get it. I more than fucking get it.
I just catch her whisper, “I’m okay,” before Stella confesses, “It’s my fault.”
“Why doesn’t that fucking surprise me?” Seb mutters as all of us crowd around the girls.
“We need to get you both checked out, baby,” Daemon coos, sounding like an entirely different person from the one we know caused nothing short of an Italian massacre tonight.
“She’s fine, D. Stop freaking out. There isn’t a mark on her,” Theo argues as my eyes lock on Brianna.
She’s covered in blood. And not just a little bit.
My heart jumps into my chest, my pulse hammering so fast it makes blood rush past my ears.
“It’s not mine,” she assures me quietly, reading my thoughts as if they’re her own.
I don’t know whether I’m more relieved of that fact or that she’s no longer ignoring me.
I stalk close to both her and Calli, my concern for both of them swallowing every other thought I had in my head before entering this room.
“Daemon’s right,” Brianna says, ripping her eyes from mine and turning to Calli. “You hit that wall pretty hard. You should—”
“What’s going on?” Theo demands, standing before Calli and Daemon with his hands on his hips and a fierce expression on his face.
Calli blinks up at him, trying to force the tears away while Daemon stares down at her like she’s the most precious thing in the world.
“I’m pregnant,” she whispers, causing Theo’s entire body to lock up in shock.
His lips open and close, but no words come out.
I’m pretty sure it’s the first time I’ve ever seen him stunned into silence.