Page 114 of Corrupt Princess
He looks at me with wide eyes, as if he’s expecting me to freak out.
Internally, I am, but for the same reason Daemon is. I’m over the initial shock of his life-changing news now.
“And you have nothing to say about this?” Theo asks.
“Yeah, I do. Daemon needs to get her to the hospital right fucking now.”
“I’ll take them,” Alex offers, seeing as both Seb and Toby now have their hands full with their girls.
“I’ve got this, Bro. You help out here. We won’t be long,” Daemon assures him.
Before Calli has had a chance to process those words, she’s wrapped up in Daemon’s arms and guided out of the room.
It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him to stop, that he should be hiding. But I know it’s pointless. His priority is Calli, exactly as it should be, and nothing will stop him right now.
“And you’re just going to stand there?” Theo snaps at me as they disappear.
“No, I’m not.”
Surging forward, I sweep Brianna off her feet, forcing a squeal of shock from her lips before I carry her down the hallway toward what I hope will be a bedroom, followed by a bathroom.
“Wait,” Stella calls before I pass the first door. “We’ve got something you need to deal with.”
“Or somethings,” Emmie adds.
“What?” both Seb and Theo bark at their women.
Stella jumps up, rushing toward where I’m standing with Brianna, who surprisingly isn’t fighting me for once.
“We’ve got some toys for you to play with.”
She throws the door open, allowing me, Seb and Theo full sight of what they’ve done.
“Jesus,” I mutter as Brianna tucks her face into the crook of my neck so she doesn’t have to see.
“Only one of them is dead. Isn’t that right, Bri?” Stella says proudly.
“Fucking hell,” Seb mutters.
“We’ll call the boss, organise getting this place cleaned up.”
“It’s a Cirillo hotel, right?” Stella asks innocently.
“No,” Theo states. “And the people who own it won’t be all that impressed.”
I glance over just in time to see her swallow nervously.
“A,” Theo calls, “get your ass over here. Got a job for you.”
“Me? You too fucking busy or something?” Alex sulks.
“I will be in about two minutes, yeah. Sort this out, call the crew. I’ll talk to my father when I’m done.”
“Done? Done with wha—”
Alex cuts his own words off as Theo marches over to Emmie, throws her over his shoulder and races away with her.
“Right. I see.”