Page 82 of Corrupt Knight
“No. We’ve already started to drip intel through the family of their location, and it’s nowhere near your building.”
“And what if they suspect we’re lying?” I ask, not liking this at all.
“Have you told anyone about where they are?”
“No, of course not. But there are plenty of us who know. And not just soldiers. Isla, Carolina, Jocelyn, Gianna.” Theo glances over at me as I name-drop Daemon and Alex’s mum. Yeah, okay, she’s unlikely to do anything to risk her sons. “Brianna,” I reluctantly add. Theo’s brow lifts knowingly.
“Well, then I suggest you do whatever you need to ensure their lips stay firmly shut. Although, all the former have been a part of this Family for years and are trusted. There is only one name in that list which could be a liability, don’t you think, Nico?”
“Brianna wouldn’t do anything to put us at risk,” Theo says.
“How much do you know about her? Have you done a thorough background check?”
“Of course I have,” Theo scoffs, making my brows hit my hairline.
“Oh? And why have I not seen this information?”
“Because you were too busy dipping your dick in her to think rationally,” Theo deadpans.
“And I assume you’re also going to tell me that you had Emmie checked out before—”
“Yes. I knew all her secrets long before I got tangled up with her.” Theo shoots his father a glare. Although he’s happy that Emmie belongs to him, I’m not sure he’ll ever get over the fact he never actually got to make the choice himself.
I’ve never seen Theo as a romantic, but something tells me that he might just be deep down, and the fact he’s had his moment to drop to his knee and ask Emmie to be his properly taken away from him doesn’t sit right.
“Right, well, I’m going to need to see all of that.”
He rolls his eyes at me and turns back to his father.
“Are you going to tell us any of the real details of Daemon and Ant’s supposed location?”
“It’s inconsequential right now. What I need from you all is your full focus on your future. We have everything under control here.”
“And what does that future look like, Dad?” Theo asks. He’s doing it for my benefit mostly, although I know he’s curious about how he fits in the Family’s reshuffle now Dad is gone.
“I’m still mulling things over. But for now, both Galen and Stefanos will be picking up your father’s duties, Nico. But please, don’t think for a second they’re replacing him. It would be impossible to even try.
“Focus on your exams. Take the time you need to move past everything that’s happened,” he says, staring me dead in the eyes. “And then we’ll talk seriously about what comes next.”
My lips part to dig deeper, to understand where his head is at. But I know better than to question him, especially when he’s all business like he is now.
“You got it.”
“And do what you need to do with Brianna to ensure our secrets are locked up tight. Having her at Knight’s Ridge sure helps, but there are plenty of ways for her to sell us out for the right price.”
“She needs security,” Theo says, referencing the fact that the rest of the girls have details appointed to them, although not to their knowledge. Something I’m sure Theo and Seb are going to pay for with pain when Emmie and Stella find out.
But as amusing as that’s going to be, I can’t help but agree with Damien’s decision. The girls are our weakness and Ricardo is no fool. If he wants to get to us, he knows exactly where to hit next, and we’ll be damned if he’s going to get a chance to lay even a finger on them.
My chest aches at the thought of someone going after Brianna, but I can’t deny that the risk is real. Not only has she been openly fucking me, but she’s a direct line to Jodie and Toby.
“I’ll speak to our team, see who they’ve got to watch her.”
My teeth grind with my need to demand that I’ll do it. But even I know that I don’t have the time for that right now. And the thought of someone following her around, watching her every move sends some weird, violent reaction shooting through me that I don’t want to even attempt to identify.
“If that’s all?” Theo asks, apparently more than ready to get the hell out of here.
“That is all. Call us if you hear or see anything. And focus, yeah? Imperial is waiting,” he says, staring at his son with something akin to pride shining in his eyes. “And I know your father would want to see a solid set of results to your name in a few months’ time,” he adds, turning to me.