Page 83 of Corrupt Knight
“You got it, Boss,” I say, pushing to stand as Theo does the same before we walk away and head straight for the lift.
“He’s in a right state,” the year twelve closest to me says instead of completing the task Mrs. Hendrix has set her. I should probably chastise them for gossiping, but I can’t help but lean forward a little and listen.
The tension in sixth form was noticeable from the moment Melissa and I stepped inside before this lesson. But it wasn’t unexpected. There was gossip flying around Melissa’s year ten tutor group, and it didn’t take much guessing to figure out who they were talking about.
There are only five boys who rule this school and lay down the law to anyone who doesn’t fall into line.
“They jumped him on the basketball court apparently,” she continues.
“Does anyone know why yet?”
“It must have been bad though.”
“Probably tried hitting on one of their girls. Jamie has never been the smartest tool in the box.”
“Girls,” Melissa snaps, noticing their lack of progress.
Not wanting to be caught eavesdropping, I force my attention back to the computer screen.
“What has Mr. Middleton done about it?” the girl whispers.
“What do you think?”
“Fuck, I wish I had even half their power.”
“Right, time is up, year twelve. Let’s go through those answers.”
I don’t move for the rest of the lesson in the hope of overhearing something else, but sadly Melissa monopolises all their attention.
By the time she lets them all go for lunch, I’m no further forward and desperate to find out the truth.
Jodie was useless when I messaged her at break, so clearly, Toby wasn’t in on whatever happened after school last night.
“My meeting has been cancelled this afternoon, so if you want me to do that study session, I can.”
Thoughts of how Nico left our previous session makes it seriously tempting to push the job off on Melissa, but something tells me that Nico won’t have any of that. Plus, I’m too desperate to know what they’ve been getting up to to not show my face. It’s probably another really, really bad idea when it comes to Nico Cirillo, but I figure, what’s one more to add to the already very long list of fuck-ups?
“No, it’s okay. I’d like to continue with what we did yesterday. If that’s okay?”
“Of course, I’ll never say no to an extra free lesson to play catch up. You should drop a couple of your observation lessons this week, though, so you don’t fall behind with your planning.”
“I’ve got everything under control,” I promise her before we tidy up and head out to get some lunch.
Unlike my previous placements or the many, many schools I’ve been to over the years, the food here is edible. And even better than that, it’s free.Perfect for my current situation.
I can fill up here and then not have to worry about what to feed myself at night, assuming Brad doesn’t show up to take me out for something fancy.
Just like I told myself I would, I sent him away Monday night with nothing more than a thank you kiss at the main door to my building.
He wasn’t happy about it, and when he finally walked away he looked like I’d just kicked his puppy.
I understood why. Whenever he’s been away on business in the past, I’ve always been more than happy to see him when he’s returned. Now it’s different. Although, I’m struggling to understand why.