Page 98 of Corrupt Knight
“Isn’t that how we usually roll?”
“We might run Knight’s Ridge, but I’m not sure even that will get Brianna out of the shit you’re trying to get her into.”
“I’m just trying to do what the boss suggested,” I counter.
“You’re not still seriously questioning her loyalty?”
“We’ve been screwed over by too many people we trust recently not to suspect her. Plus, with her background, I—”
“You’re not actually suggesting that just because she had a shitty childhood, she would be willing to sell us out for a pretty penny?”
“I dunno, man. People have done it for less.”
I glance over to see Theo’s lips part as if he’s going to argue, but he soon realises that he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.
“So what happened in the library that’s led you to Calli like a barely restrained bull?” he asks, changing the subject.
“Just something Brianna said.”
“Care to enlighten me?”
“Not really no,” I say as I spin the car into our building’s car park and then drive down the ramp toward our underground parking.
“Fine. Be like that,” he mutters.
“Oh because you’re always so fucking forthcoming with your shit,” I bark.
“All right, no need to be a dick about it.”
“You’re a cunt,” I hiss as we make our way to the lift.
“Fuck you, knobhead. Calli might be your sister, but she’s my cousin, and if you’re about to go in there shouting and screaming then—”
“Daemon will probably shoot me. I don’t need you as extra protection.”
“So you’re accepting their relationship now then?”
“Do I have a choice? They’re fucking living together.”
Without bothering to knock, I press my hand to the biometric scanner that will grant us entry to their flat, and the second the little light turns green, I shove the door open and storm inside.
And it’s then I realise my fucking mistake.
Daemon is fucking my sister, my little fucking sister, over his dining table.
And both of them are so fucking into it, they haven’t even noticed they’ve got visitors.
“Fuck, Nikolas,” Calli moans.
Shock surges through me, but I’m not sure if it’s because of what I’m witnessing or the fact she just called him by his real name and he didn’t freak the fuck out.
It’s definitely what I’m seeing.
A throat clearing beside me drags me back to reality and I turn around right at Calli realises that she’s got an audience.
“Oh my God, what the fuck are you doing?” she screeches, although I don’t miss the raspiness to her voice that I’m not sure I’ve ever heard before.