Page 99 of Corrupt Knight
Daemon has ruined my sister.
Movement beside me lets me know that Theo has also turned their back on them.
“Haven’t you ever heard of knocking, prick?”
“Ignore them, Angel,” Daemon growls. “Let’s go finish up in the bedroom. Something tells me they won’t follow.”
A deep, violent growl rumbles in the back of my throat before Daemon laughs.
“You fucking—”
“Whoa,” Theo says, reaching to grab my arm before I throttle the motherfucker who just had his hands all over my sister. “Calm the fuck down.”
“Imagine if it were Rhea,” I spit.
“Rhea is fourteen. Any motherfucker doing that to her would already be dead. Calli is an adult.”
Shock renders me useless. He’s always been on my side when it came to protecting Calli, but it seems things have changed.
Is it her age, or the way Daemon stares at her like she’s literally the best thing in existence?
Maybe a bit of both.
My heart pounds, blood rushing behind my ears in my attempt to drown out the noises we just walked into.
“Go and get cleaned up. We need to talk,” I seethe.
“Give us ten,” Daemon says, making Theo scoff.
“You have two, or I’ll come and drag her out. And if I snap your cock off in the process, all the better.”
Daemon’s deep laughter rumbles through his home as their footsteps retreat, but it does little for the fury that’s racing through my veins.
“I swear if he takes her in there and tries finishing—”
“It’s what you would do,” Theo points out helpfully.
I spin toward him, a deadly expression on my face that would scare any other motherfucker. But not my cousin, or any of the guys—and some of the girls—who live under this roof.
Sometimes I fucking hate how well they know me. Although, in this case, Theo might be wrong. He doesn’t think I’ll hurt him for suggesting my sister is getting fucked six ways from Sunday right now down the hall. But I fucking will.
“Why should Calli be any different?”
“Because she’s my little sister,” I force out through gritted teeth.
“Who’s in love with Daemon. She’s moved in with him, Nico. What did you think they were doing in here, playing fucking Scrabble and reading each other bedtime stories?”
“I prefer not to think about it,” I confess.
“I get it, I do.” The second that final words leaves his lips, a loud female scream fills the flat and he winces, probably wondering if he’s going to be the one on the wrong end of my anger.
“I appreciate the sentiment, but you can’t. Until you walk in on Rhea with some cunt balls deep inside her, you can’t get it.”
Without another word, I stalk through the living room in favour of the kitchen and rip the fridge open in the hope of finding some alcohol.
“What the fuck is this?” I ask, my eyes scanning the rows of bottled water, caffeine-free Coke and a bigger array of fruit juices than you’ll find in most supermarkets.
“Try this cupboard,” Theo offers, hinting at the fact he’s spent more time here recently than I have. “Oh,” he breathes when he finds that empty. “Must be on some kind of detox.”