Page 42 of Season of Memories
“Good. And before you ask, I’m resting like I’m supposed to.”
“That was just on the tip of my tongue.” Connor chuckled. “How did you know?”
“It’s standard issue apparently.”
“We’d like you to hang around awhile longer.”
“I think that’s the plan. But we’ll do as God wills.” Kevin lowered into his leather chair and looked out the large window to his left. A nearly full moon lit the cold, clear night.
“Everything okay?” Connor asked.
“Plans are in full motion?”
“They are. The girls have taken over, so I think we’re in good hands.”
“And Brandon . . . are the legal papers going to come through in time?”
“He says it’s done. Good to go.” Pride infused Kevin’s voice. This direction was not one he’d foreseen for his introverted son. But the more he thought on it, the more it made sense. Brandon never needed attention—he didn’t like it. He didn’t need other people’s approval, and he wasn’t driven to make a name for himself. Megan was more than enough companionship for him, and he was satisfied with a job well done. Praise for it was entirely unnecessary.
It seemed like a backward confirmation—that what Brandon would do going forward wasn’t for his own ego. If he was to preach, it would be by the Spirit’s strength, and it would be done for the glory of God.
After lingering in the pool of joy that reflection provided, Kevin shifted his thoughts back to the purpose at hand. “I called to talk about you though.”
“Me?” Connor paused. “Whatever you need from me, Dad, just name it.”
“I need you to tell me how you really feel.”
“Uh . . .” He could picture Connor rubbing the back of his neck—it’d been his nervous tell since Connor had been six. “Feel about what?”
“You know what. Start talking, and I promise this time I’m listening.Reallylistening.”
“Is . . . is this about Jade?”
“Yes. And you.”
“What did Matt say?”
“Never mind what Matt said—except that he implied I’ve disappointed you. I’m sorry for that.”
Connor swallowed audibly—a sound that nicked Kevin’s heart because it meant that, yes, Kevin had injured Connor with his cool reserve about this new romance. He should have rejoiced that God had brought healing and new love into his son’s life. Having been told that she loved Jesus and wanted this fresh start to look more like what God would have it be, Kevin should have been ready to meet and welcome this woman, rather than hold her and Connor at arm’s length.
“I failed you, Connor, and I’m sorry,” Kevin mustered through a hoarse whisper.
“She’s . . . she’s really wonderful, Dad. I promise you and mom will like her.”
“I believe you.”
“She’s nothing like Sadie.” Timid warning snaked in his voice.
“Does that bother you?”
“No. I prefer it, I think. It bothered her at first, when she realized it.”
“But not now?”
“I love her as she is, and we’re happy.”