Page 43 of Season of Memories
“And the kids? Are they good with everything?”
Connor chuckled. “For a while she and I backed everything up because we weren’t sure how the kids would take it. Specifically, how Kellen would respond. But then they did the craziest thing.” He stopped to laugh again.
The sound of Connor’s joy sparked something that felt like a brand-new sprout of life in Kevin’s heart. Suddenly, he couldn’t wait to meet Jade and her children. He couldn’t wait to welcome these people who had filled his son’s heart. “What crazy thing was that?”
“They parent-trapped us.”
It took a minute for Kevin to understand, but then a few scenes from an old flick that Helen had liked blipped in his mind. He chuckled. “They set you up?”
“Oh, they worked pretty hard at it and were proud as lions when it seemed their not-so-sneaky efforts paid off.”
Kevin tried to imagine Reid being sneaky, trying to set up his dad with a woman. He couldn’t muster it. “I can’t wait to hear all about it from the kids.”
“Lily will give you every detail you ever wanted and a few you didn’t know you needed.”
“She’s a chatty one, hmm?”
“Well, if she likes you. But she’ll be polite either way. She’s quite a kid.”
“And Kellen?”
“Kellen is a tough one to crack. But I think we’re on good footing now. His dad has left him with a lot of damage—a lot of anger. So if he’s aloof, just be patient.”
Kevin understood all too well how that went. In the pause that landed between them, he prayed for the boy’s wounded heart and asked for wisdom. For himself and for Connor, who would more likely than not, and sooner rather than later, become stepdad to both kids.
“Dad, I’m going to marry Jade.” Connor’s proclamation was so . . . so Connor. Resolute. Not a question, not a distant hope. A firm decision made from careful consideration and intentional prayer. Nothing—not even Kevin’s disapproval—would sway him.
Good thing Kevin didn’t disapprove. “Have you asked her?”
“I have plans.”
“For Christmas?”
“What can we do to help?”
“Welcome her. Like you did with all the girls. She’s terribly nervous about coming. Has even offered to drive up by herself the day after Christmas so things aren’t awkward.”
“Would she rather spend Christmas with her family?”
“They’ve done Christmas on New Year’s Eve for years, so we’re planning on that together. She’s just scared you won’t like her—that you’ll disapprove because she’s divorced, or you won’t like her kids, or five hundred other bad possibilities that keep her up at night.” Connor paused to take a breath. “Please, Dad. Take her in. Hear her story, not just that she’s divorced. Know her heart, because it’s really beautiful. If you would just—”
“Connor.” Kevin waited for Connor to come to a full stop. “No more worrying. Not for you, not for Jade. You’re a good man with a heart for God. I trust you. I trust your judgment. I’m sorry it seemed that I didn’t before. It wasn’t about you at all, really. It was me wrestling with God. If you love Jade and you want to marry her, and you have God’s peace about it, then you have my blessing. And I promise I’ll love her and her kids. It shouldn’t be hard—Matt says I’m mush.”
The laugh that Connor puffed over the digital air sounded like a mix of humor and deep relief. “You are putty in the girls’ hands, there’s no denying that.”
“Then tell Jade she has nothing to worry about. We can’t wait to spend Christmas with her.”
“And you won’t mind if I propose?”
“You asked her father, right?”
Connor’s tone turned to mocked offense. “Who do you think you’re dealing with here?”
“Then propose on Christmas. Your mother’s romantic heart will melt.”
It was the truth. And Kevin couldn’t wait to see it.