Page 107 of Indescribable
In the distance I spot Naomi and Paisley. Last night I did as I said I was going to do, stopped in to say hello and meet Paisley. I could instantly see why the three clicked so easily. It was like they’d been friends their entire lives.
“There’s Naomi,” I tell Boone, jutting my chin in her direction. “You want to go say hi and meet Paisley?”
“Sure. Cody! This way.” He nods with his head in the direction of Naomi. “Come see Auntie Naomi, then you can go back to your friends.”
At the sound of Naomi’s name, Cody ditches his friends and joins us, leading the way. We have to jog to keep up with him.
“Auntie Naomi! Auntie Naomi!” Cody shouts as he runs to her.
She turns toward him with a smile so beautiful it causes me to stumble.
As long as I live, I’ll never get over her beauty. Inside and out.
“We’re gonna dunk Uncle Cash today,” Cody’s telling her when we catch up.
“Are you?” she asks, ruffling his hair.
“A lot. I can’t wait.”
“I’ll bet. Cash has probably been excited about it, too,” she tells him, her eyes meeting mine over Cody’s head.
“Hey, you.”
“Hey back.”
I lean in to give her a kiss and Cody groans. “Am I going to have to see this all the time now?”
“Sure are,” I say to Cody.
He wrinkles his nose then notices Paisley. “Who’s that?”
The kid has no filter. Just points at her and demands to know who she is.
“This is my friend Paisley. Do you remember her from when you told us about the girl fight on FaceTime?”
“Oh, yeah! Dad called you gorgeous.”
Paisley blushes and Boone pipes up, reaching out to shake her hand. “Even more so in person. Hi, I’m Boone.”
“Paisley,” she mumbles.
“Got that. What do you think of Red Oak so far?”
“I love it. A little smaller than I’m used to but I don’t mind that.”
“Paisley is interviewing for a position at the middle school on Monday,” Naomi explains.
“Oh, yeah? Thinking of making it permanent here, huh? Well, you came on a good weekend to see if you’d like it. Lots of activity happening. Just as long as you don’t expect it all the time,” he adds.
“The girls explained how many festivals the town has. Seems like you barely get through one before the next one begins.”
Boone chuckles. “Sounds about right.”
“I’m bored, Dad. Can I go back to my friends?”
“Be polite,” Boone chastises. “We can head that way in a few minutes, okay?”
Cody sighs but listens. I see him watching his friends pretty closely, though. Making sure they’re not having fun without him.