Page 21 of The Naughty List
“We better go eat lunch before Melissa comes and yells at us,” he teases. I pout, but he just grins. “You can unwrap that other package you were talking about earlier when we get home.”
I bite my bottom lip, feeling a blush stain my cheeks. “Promise?”
Walker tips his head back, groaning softly. “Yeah, Indie, I promise. Now stop looking at me like that before I lose my shit.”
“Hey! You can’t talk like that around Carson,” I chastise him, nodding my head toward my nephew, who is happily playing in his new bouncy seat.
“Because of the vibes?”
“Exactly. You’re learning.” I give him a saucy smile, laughing and squirming away when he tickles my sides.
“I’ll be learning from you my whole life, love. I can’t wait to get started.”
He takes my hand in his, pulling me along toward the kitchen. I smile to myself, so damn happy I’m going to have Walker by my side for the rest of my life. It’s a little crazy, but also perfect. Just like the universe intended.
Iwatch my wife from across the room as she fills up her hot chocolate mug for the third time tonight. I think she was more excited about coming here for the snacks than the tree lighting. Indie takes her first sip, closing her eyes and curling her lips up in a soft smile.
Just like that night five years ago, my chest grows tight. I’ll never get used to her beauty. Also just like that night, I watch her like a hawk. I always have my protective gaze on her, and she loves it. My pixie gives me a hard time about it, but I know she loves being taken care of.
My mind wanders and I get lost down memory lane. It’s been the highlight of my life to watch Indie grow into an incredible woman and amazing mother. We got married a week after I proposed, on New Year’s Eve. It was a small ceremony, and we kissed right at midnight. Indie said it would give us good luck to start our marriage at the turning of the annual clock. Who was I to argue?
We had our first child, Atticus, less than a year later. Our daughter, Hope, came along a year after that. I love my family more than I thought I was capable of. Indie brought that out in me. She looked at me and saw something worth pursuing, and damn if that doesn’t make me feel like a king every time I think about it.
I had hoped to meet Indie's father and stepmom at our wedding, but they couldn't make it. It hurt that Indie didn't even seem that surprised. Her dad came for a visit after Atticus was born, and again after Hope was born, but that's about it.
He made some joke about wiping his hands clean of her and that she’s my problem now. Yeah, he and I had a conversation about Indie being the best damn thing to ever happen to me, and if he can’t see her for the treasure she is, he can fuck off. The asshole hasn’t been around since, but I don’t regret a single word.
Melissa met a great guy a few years ago, and they’ve been happily married ever since. She’s six months pregnant, and couldn’t be happier, despite her swollen ankles and heartburn. I know Indie felt guilty about moving out and getting married so soon after the two of them got to town, but I kept my promise and took care of Melissa and Carson until Drake came along.
We've hired a few more doctors at Christmas Medical, which frees me up to spend time with my wife and kids. Indie loved her job at the Snow Angel Diner, especially since she got to know Mable and her band of gossips while serving them mimosas and pancakes. When she got pregnant, however, she stepped down and has stayed home with our kids ever since.
Indie fought me on it at first, but then admitted she only wanted her job because she didn’t want me to think she’s not pulling her weight or doing enough to contribute. I set her straight, letting her know she gives me more than I could ever give her. I held her and told her I’m not her father and I don’t think her worth is wrapped up in being “productive” and “presentable” in the eyes of society. She melted into me and hasn’t doubted her value to me since.
I watch Indie open her eyes and laugh as she looks down at Atticus. He’s only four, but he’s very serious and practical. He takes his big brother duties very seriously, which is a good thing. Hope is much like her mother. I love them both with all my heart, but Jesus, keeping track of my girls is a full-time job sometimes. Good thing I have Atticus to help me out. I wouldn’t trade my family for anything in this whole world.
Indie bends down, kissing our son on his head, then scooping up Hope. Our daughter has big, wide, teal eyes, just like her mom. Also like her mother, Hope is sweet, endearing, and a bit oblivious. With one child on her hip and the other at her side, Indie walks toward me, a smile gracing her lips.
I’m thrown back in time once again to our very first encounter, which started much the same way. The sway of her hips, the slight blush on her cheeks, and her warm, always curious gaze hitting me square in the chest.
I imagined her with our child in her arms instead of Carson that first night, and damn if this sight isn’t the universe reminding me how far we’ve come. When she finally makes her way over to me, I kiss her forehead, then Hope’s forehead before bending down and lifting Atticus up into my arms. I kiss his head, too, making him groan.
“How’s my family?” I ask. “Ready to head home?”
“No!” Atticus whines. “I’m not even tired!” The kid doesn’t even make it through his sentence without yawning, which makes me chuckle.
Indie brushes some of his dark hair out of his face and rubs his back until Atticus snuggles up into my arms. “Maybe we can go outside and look at the tree one last time before going home?” Indie asks the kids, though they know it’s not really a question. My girl is so sweet, even when giving orders.
Both kids agree, and we go outside, all bundled up in our warm winter clothes. I hold Atticus on my hip and wrap my free arm around my beautiful wife, tucking her into my side. She rests her head on my chest, sighing and relaxing into my embrace. Atticus buries his cute little face into the side of my neck while Hope wraps her tiny fingers around my thumb that’s resting on Indie’s shoulder.
We’re all connected, right here under the moon and stars, surrounded by the glowing lights of the Christmas tree. My life is full, my heart is light, and my soul is overwhelmed with the knowledge that we were brought together by the universe, just like my pixie always says.
Want to know more about Melissa’s happily ever after? Check out Riding His Sleigh!