Page 32 of The Naughty List
Just then, my phone rings. I'm surprised to see Melissa's name pop up. We exchanged numbers after I dropped her off at her car on Saturday, but so far, our communication has been minimal. I get the sense she's not much of a texter and prefers face to face interaction rather than over the phone.
"Hey, angel, what's up?"
"I need to ask you the biggest favor. I'm so sorry to ask last-minute. I swear I'm not normally this needy."
"Anything, Melissa. There's no need to apologize."
"Could you pick up Carson from daycare and watch him for a few hours? I have a meeting with a client who is being audited and he needs a lot of last-minute stuff done, and Indie and Walker are out of town for the week otherwise I'd ask them, and Mable didn't answer her phone, which is awfully suspicious since shealwayswants to talk, and… well, anyway. I'm sorry to ask this of you. If you can't, I understand, I can—"
"Slow down, sweetheart. Breathe for me, okay?" I don't think she took a breath the entire time she explained what she needed me to do. I hear her take a shuddering breath, and then another, this one steadier. "Good, just keep breathing. Of course, I can pick up Carson. I would love to spend more time with him."
"Are you sure? You'd also have to come out here to my work to get his car seat from my car."
As if that would deter me. She really has no idea the lengths I would go to for her, but I'll convince her soon enough. I want to roar out in victory that she's asking me to take care of Carson. I know what a big deal it is for her to ask that of me.
"Absolutely. It's no problem. You should stay for dinner when you come pick him up. Or better yet, I'll bring dinner over to your place so you two can stick to your nightly routine."
I'm met with silence on the other end of the line. I worry I overstepped, and I'm about to backtrack when she responds.
"Yes, really. I want to spend time with you and Carson. I want to take care of you both, just like I've been saying. Let me prove it to you."
She sucks in a breath and holds it before finally answering. "Okay." It's barely a whisper, but I hear it loud and clear.Okay. I've never loved that word more. It's a start.
Fifteen minutes later, I have the car seat secured in the back of my car and I'm pulling into the parking lot of the daycare. Every muscle in my body tenses when I see a lanky figure lurking in the shadows. I know that's the same man from the grocery store parking lot and outside the bakery. What the fuck is he doing hanging around a daycare? Looks like someone needs to be told to get the fuck out of my town.
I want to storm up to him and break his nose on my fist, but he's clearly a shady guy and might be packing heat. So, I take a deep breath, reminding myself that making a scene at Carson's daycare won't win me any points with Melissa.
The man is hanging around the side of the building, peeping into windows. Oh, hell no.
"Are you lost?" I grit out. I want nothing more than to snap this pervert's neck. I could do it, too. I could cover his mouth so he doesn't make a sound, and then twist and squeeze his neck. It'd only take a second.
He jerks back, stumbling slightly when he sees me. I've got a good six inches on this dude, and at least fifty pounds of pure muscle.
"I'm here for my son," he spits back at me, puffing his chest out a little bit. I almost laugh at his attempt to scare me off.
"The front door is over there, why are you sneaking around and looking in windows? Seems awfully suspicious to me." I take a step toward him, pleased when he backs up a bit.
"That's none of your goddamn business. What areyoudoing here?"
"I'm here to pick my son up as well." As soon as I say the words, I know they're true. Carson may not be my biological son, but I'm going to love him and provide him the kind of life he deserves. He's my kid in all the ways that matter, and soon he'll be my family by marriage. I make a note to talk to Melissa about adopting him once we're hitched.
He looks like he's about to answer me, but he snaps his head to the side, clearly tracking someone through the window. I step closer, trying to see what he's looking at. It's clear he's a creep, and I'm not about to let him get near any of those kids.
What I see has me changing my mind about making a scene. Carson is talking with his teacher, and he's the only one in the room. This fucking deadbeat must be Melissa's ex. I won't give him the honor of calling him Carson's dad. That shit’s not true and never was.
The asshole tries running around the building, no doubt trying to intercept Carson before his actual ride gets here. It makes me sick to think about Melissa being here. I'm so damn grateful it's me instead.
Melissa is strong and independent, that's for sure, but she can't overpower this piece of garbage. I can, though.
I reach out and grab his collar before he gets away from me and throw him on the ground. He coughs and sputters and attempts to get up, but I put my boot on his chest and push him back down, applying enough pressure to let him know I could crack all of his ribs if I wanted to, but that I'm holding myself back. For now.
My suspicions about him are confirmed when he doesn't cry for help. If he really were just a regular dad picking up his kid, he'd try and fight. As it is, he doesn't want to draw attention to us, because he's sure as fuck not supposed to be here.
"What the hell?" he hisses. "Who are you?"
"I'm the man who was lucky enough to claim the woman and child you ditched," I growl at him. "I'm the man who will take care of Melissa and Carson the way they deserve. I'm the man who will end you and anyone who tries to harm my family. I'm the man who is about to snap you like a fucking twig for daring to show your face around here."