Page 33 of The Naughty List
His lips twist up into a demented smile, his eyes flashing dangerously. "I just want my son back. I don't give a shit about Melissa. She's all yours." He pauses briefly, looking me up and down. "That cunt caught herself a man, huh?"
I kick him in his gut and spit on him before dropping to my knees and punching him square in the face. I feel the crunch of his nose beneath my fist, the blood trickling down my fingers. It satisfies my need for now, though I very much want to finish him off. I can't be here to protect my family if I'm in prison, however, so I back off just enough to grab his shirt and pull him off the ground.
"Want to say that again?" I grit out at him. The man's eyes grow wide and his lips tremble as if he's trying to say something but can't. His face pales beneath the streaks of blood pouring from his nose. "That's what I thought. Now be a good boy and stay put while I call the cops."
This stupid motherfucker scoffs at me. "From where I'm standing, you're the one who assaulted me, buddy. I was just here to pick up my kid when I was attacked."
"That right? So if I asked the workers here about you being an approved person to pick Carson up, they would agree?" He sputters as he tries to come up with a response to me. "And anyway, I'm a firefighter. I know the police. I'm a respected member of this community, and I know damn near everyone in it. You, on the other hand? You're a sick bastard who gave up the best thing that ever happened to you. You put your hands on my woman, gave her bruises and a broken heart. I think anyone would agree you're long overdue for a few bruises and breaks yourself."
I spin him around, twisting his arm behind his back before I shove him to the ground, face first. He cries out in pain, either from me dislocating his shoulder or my knee hitting him square in the back, pinning him to the ground.
I hold him there while digging through my pocket for my phone to call the police. I'm sure him loitering around the daycare when he has no claim to Carson is enough to at least book him. Melissa said she has a restraining order for her and Carson and so far, has kept it current.
A cop car pulls into the parking lot a few minutes later. I've never been more grateful for this small town and the fact that everything is pretty much five minutes away.
I give my statement to officer Jones while officer Mackenzie slaps a pair of cuffs on the asshole whose name I still don't know. The officer drags him up and shoves him into the back of the cop car. I can tell both officers are just as pissed as I am about this lowlife showing up in our town and trying to kidnap Carson.
By now, there's a small crowd surrounding us. I hate that I've caused a scene, but I don't regret my actions one bit. I'd do it all over again. I wish I would have gotten a few more blows in, but I didn't want to stoop to his level. I don't want Melissa to think I enjoy gratuitous violence. She's already endured more than enough of that in her life.
Just then, a car peels into the parking lot. I hear the brakes slam and tires squeal. I know it's her, and I know she's scared out of her mind. I only hope she can see that I was trying to help her and keep her and Carson safe, but I know this whole scene looks bad.
She bursts through the crowd, her eyes darting from the cop car to my bloodied fists. I can't read the look on her face, but I keep praying she understands and gives me a chance to explain.
For the second time in two weeks, I'm pulling into Sugar Plum daycare with my heart lodged in my throat. I got a call saying Joseph had tried to get to Carson, but he was stopped and is now apprehended.
Guilt floods me at not only not being there for my son but at sending Drake to deal with all of this. He was understanding about me confessing my past to him, but it's one thing to hear it, and another thing to be confronted with it face to face.
I slam on my breaks as soon as I get into the parking lot, barely waiting for the car to stop before throwing the emergency brake on and hopping out of the car. My entire body is shaking, my lungs are on fire, and I can't stop the tears running down my face. I don't have time to worry about the fact that everyone is staring at me. Again. It doesn't matter. Nothing else matters except getting to my son.
I burst through the crowd, stopping short when I see Joseph in the back of a cop car, his face bloodied and bruised. There's an EMT hovering over him, cleaning up his cuts, but he still looks like shit. Good. He deserves that and so much more for thinking he could steal Carson from me.
Looking around, I see Drake standing a few yards away, his eyes trained right on mine. Every one of his muscles tense and flex, and I notice he's holding a towel to his hand, the blood seeping through. He's hurt because of me and my past. What must he think of me? Surely, he knows I'm more trouble than I'm worth at this point.
I don't know what’s going through his head. He looks angry, but I don't know if it's from seeing me or from the fight he just had. I don't get the chance to dwell on it for long, however. Misty, one of the helpers in Carson's class, taps me on the shoulder.
"Ms. Wright," she says in a soft tone like she knows I can't handle much right now. "Carson is just fine. He doesn't know what happened. He's been coloring in one of the other rooms across the building."
Relief floods my body, making me lightheaded. Misty loops her arm in mine and guides me into the building, leaving Drake, the cops, and the crowd behind. My heart lurches in my chest, wanting Drake to be with me, but knowing I need to get to Carson first. Then Drake and I can work things out. I hope.
"Mommy!" Carson squeals happily. My heart settles down even more at seeing his bright smile. He really has no idea the danger he was in, or how Drake saved him. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, honey. Nothing at all," I say, wiping my tears away and bending down to give him a hug. He wraps his arms around my neck, soothing the ache in my chest even more.
I cling to him and kiss his forehead, so thankful that he's here and he's safe. I know I need to go back out there and give my statement to the cops as well.
I thought I was okay with keeping everything Joseph did a secret, but I realize now, I should have had him arrested years ago. I should have done more than get a restraining order, though I'm damn glad I at least did that much. I glossed over the details when I filed for it and chose not to press charges.
Misty takes Carson from me, knowing that I need to finish things up with the cops. "Why don't we go over to the reading corner," she suggests. "Your mom needs to talk to a few people, and then she'll take you home, okay?"
He nods, blessedly ignorant of the situation. I take a cleansing breath, comb my fingers through my hair, and straighten my disheveled clothes. Time to go face the man who stole my confidence, as well as the one who gave it back to me.
When I'm somewhat presentable, I make my way outside. Thankfully, the crowd has dissipated, and it's just the two police officers, Drake, and Joseph, who appears to be bandaged up and locked into the back of the cop car.
I can't look at Drake. If I do, I might fall apart, and right now, I just need to get through this.