Page 1 of Dante Beretta
“Are you sure we’re invited?” I asked, biting down on my bottom lip as I stared at the numbers above the elevator door.
“Yeah, of course,” Zara said dismissively, like it was a stupid question to ask. She gazed at her reflection and fixed her hair, puffing it up to give it more volume, but no matter what she did, it ended up flat again. We were surrounded by mirrors on three sides, but the door was so shiny that I could see myself perfectly in that too. This wasn’t a run-of-the-mill elevator; this was one of those where the chrome of the metal sparkled like diamonds and I was too afraid to touch a single thing in case I left a smear behind. “Derick told me about it. He met him at the club last night and they’ve been partying since.”
I screwed up my face at the mention of her boyfriend’s name. Derick was four years older than my best friend. He was a college student, one who took what he wanted from her without a second thought, but I had no doubt she was willing to give him everything he desired. Zara was like that—a people pleaser. Whereas Derick was a typical frat guy: big-headed, know-it-all, and thought he was the best thing to walk the earth.
The number over the door turned to the letterPand my eyes widened. I had no idea we were going to the very top.It whooshed open, right into the middle of an apartment. Zara didn’t hesitate to step out and into the fray of people, but I was slower, hyperaware of everything around me.
This wasn’t your average apartment—much like the elevator—this was the penthouse.
Whose party was this?
“Come on.” Zara grabbed my hand, her golden-brown hair flicking around her as she spun and dragged me farther into the vast space. Music pounded throughout the place as some people danced and others were drinking. I’d been to plenty of parties over the last few months, but they were entirely different from this one, for starters, they were high school parties.
Although, they did get a little crazy and out of hand at times, but at least we all knew each other.
Whereas here, the only person I knew was Zara.
Maybe I shouldn’t have come. Maybe I should have stayed home alone again and waited to see if Dad would come back from work or whether he’d pull yet another all-nighter that led into a full day again. He was running away from the house that held too many memories, not knowing when to slow down and appreciate what was left inside of those four walls—me.
“Zara,” I whisper-shouted, but she couldn’t hear me over the thumping music. Her hand loosened around my wrist but I managed to hold on to her as we swerved between several groups of people, then came to a final stop.
My front hit her back, but she didn’t acknowledge it as she broke away from me. “Derick!” She practically threw herself at Derick where he was standing in the kitchen, leaning against one of the counters. If he was surprised by her being there, he didn’t show it because he caught her smoothly, and within point two of a second, they were making out.
I blinked, my brows rising as they maneuvered themselves into the back corner, completely cutting themselves off from everyone else.
And once again, I was alone.
I shuffled on the spot, not really sure what to do. All Icoulddo was reprimand myself silently in my head for agreeing to come here. It was Saturday night and I literally could have been doing anything but attending this…party. Was it even a party?
Quickly glancing back at Zara and Derick who were still making out, I decided that I may as well explore. I didn’t want to stand here like a third wheel, waiting for them to stop eating each other’s faces. Instead, I’d have a little look around and then slip out without Zara noticing. At least that way I could say I stayed for a little while.
Seeing less people on my left, I decided to go that way. We’d come in from the right, so I already knew it was full of people in there. A small hallway led into another living room, this one full of people too, but they were sitting on a large sofa that took up most of the space, and an added plus was the music being quieter in here.
This was my kind of room,I thought, so I ventured farther inside, listening in on some of the conversations as I did a loop around the room toward a table that held several bottles of amber liquid. I lifted my hand and picked up the first bottle, trying to read the words on the label.
“You probably won’t like that one,” a deep voice said from behind me.
I gasped, letting the bottle go. It clanged, teetering on the edge of not only falling, but taking all of the other bottles with it. “Shit.” I jerked forward, trying to save it, but in the process I knocked another one. “Fuck.”
The deep voice from behind me started to laugh, then his one hand wrapped around two necks of the bottles and the other one covered mine to steady the last one. I stood there for several seconds, not knowing what to do or what to say.This was why I didn’t go to parties.
And then my gaze zoomed in on his large hand covering mine. It was rough in places, but smooth in others, with a smattering of hair coming over his wrist. I looked past his wrist and over his muscular forearm, feeling my chest moving faster the longer he kept his hand on mine.
“You can let go now,” I managed to croak out, trying not to focus on the fact that his palm was still pressed against the top of my hand and I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.
“You sure?” he asked, his voice lower. I could feel him behind me, but not a single part of his body touched mine.
I wanted him to touch me.My eyes widened at the thought, and I jerked away, snapping my hand from under his as I tried to clear my mind. I shouldn’t have come in here. I should have stayed with Zara and watched her suck face. Dammit, what was I thinking? My dad’s voice rang in my head, all of the warnings he’d given me running on repeat.
“I erm…” I turned, my words escaping me as I came face-to-face with the man. And just like that, the warnings disappeared too. His face was carved to perfection, his jaw line so sharp it could cut glass. But it was his eyes that captivated me…eyes that bore into me, not letting me look away.
“Cat got your tongue?” he asked, his full lips lifting up on one side into a smirk.
“I…” I rolled my eyes. “No.” I was at a loss, not knowing what to say, so I did the only thing I knew how to: I turned and walked away.