Page 2 of Dante Beretta
“Wait,” he called after me, grabbing my wrist before I got too far away. His touch was gentle but firm all at the same time, causing my stomach to do somersaults. “Have a drink with me.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a demand, but still, I answered it like I had a choice. “I don’t drink that stuff.” I glanced at him over my shoulder, wishing I hadn’t when I met those eyes again.
“Whatdoyou drink?”
“Vodka.” It was out of my mouth before I could even think about it, but it was the truth. Wine always made me lose my mind, and anything else along with it. Whereas vodka…I could drink that for hours and still have control over myself. At eighteen, I shouldn’t have known what alcoholic drink I preferred, but the reality of the world we lived in meant that I did.
“Stay here.” He raised a brow, waiting for me to acknowledge what he said, and when I nodded, he let go of my wrist, stroking his fingers across my hand in the process. Shivering at the contact, I didn’t look away as he turned and stepped out of the room. I stood there, not moving a single inch. I wasn’t sure how long he was gone, but it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes until he was sauntering back in the room and handing me a drink as he held his own amber liquid in his hand. “So”—he lifted his glass to his lips—“you got a name?”
“Navy,” I croaked out, hating that my voice sounded like I hadn’t used it for days. I just wasn’t good in situations like this. I was always the quiet girl, the one who kept her head down and did as she was told. I handed my homework in on time, always asked for extra credit, and made sure I was in bed at a decent hour each night.
It was a boring life, but it was one I’d created to feel…safe.
But here, I could be anyone—do anything. Maybe for just a couple of hours I could push aside the Navy I’d lived all of my life. Just for a few hours I could be the person that I only dreamed of being.
I pushed my shoulders back, trying to pluck up the courage to embrace the confidence that was always on the outskirts. “What about you?” I took a sip of the neat vodka, loving the burn in the back of my throat. This would loosen me up a little.
“Dante.” He paused, his mouth opening and closing, then he shook his head, almost as if he was confirming something to himself.
“Nice to meet you, Dante.” I felt awkward, like my limbs had a mind of their own and my brain would make me shout something random out at any second. He didn’t reply as we both stood there, staring at the other people in the room. “So…” I didn’t know what to say, what to do. “You know who owns the place?”
“Yeah.” His eyes darkened as he took a gulp of his drink, leaving his glass empty. “My brother.”
“Oh.” My brows rose. “So this is your party?”
He leaned against the wall beside me, crossing his arms over his chest as his glass dangled from his finger and thumb. “Something like that.” He flicked his gaze over to me. “I’m drowning my sorrows.”
I licked my lips, taking another sip of my drink, then mirrored him by leaning on the wall. “Drowning your sorrows, huh?” I turned my head so I could look him in the face. “Did something happen?”
His eyes narrowed, focusing on something over my head. For several seconds he stayed like that, but then all of a sudden, he shook his head and looked back down at me. “You could say that.” His demeanor changed as he pushed off the wall and moved closer to me. “You wanna take my mind off of it, sweetheart?”
I shivered as he placed his hand on the wall above my head, boxing me in. “Take your mind off it?” I asked, knowing what he’d said but needing to buy myself some time to process.
“Yeah.” He placed his finger on my cheek and trailed it down to my lips. “These lips look real damn soft.” He pressed closer to me, his front meeting mine. I nearly gasped when I felt his erection press against my stomach. “I bet your other lips are soft too, huh?” His breath fanned across my neck. “I think I should find out for sure though.”
He turned his head, bringing his lips so close to mine. For seconds we just stared at each other, neither of us making a move.
I could walk away right now. I could go and find Zara and tell her I was leaving. I could—
I could kiss him.
I could throw caution to the wind and do what my body was demanding.
“I can take your mind off it,” I whispered.
At my words, he pressed his lips against mine, soft at first, gentle and coaxing. But as I pushed harder against him, so did he, forcing his tongue into my mouth and taking control of the kiss.
The sound of glass smashing rang through my ears, but I didn’t break contact with him. We were fused together, like magnets, and I had no intention of letting go.
He pulled back and I followed, but his words stopped me in my tracks. “Let’s go somewhere private.”
Taking my hand, I let him lead me out of the room and into the hallway. I squeezed my legs together as I stared at the back of his head and wide shoulders. He was a big man, imposing, someone who you would probably cross the road to avoid. Yet here I was, letting him take me away from everyone else so that we could be alone.
A thrill ran though me at the thought, followed by a tinge of terror.
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all, but I still followed him into the bedroom, knowing exactly what I was about to do. I wasn’t a virgin, but I wasn’t majorly experienced either. I’d had sex with a total of two people, and both of those had been my age.
Whereas Dante…he was all man, at least five years old than me, or maybe even ten. I tilted my head to the side as I stepped farther into the room and he closed the door behind us. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask him how old he was, but the moment I did, I’d have to tell him I was eighteen. I was legal, but I wasn’t sure how he’d react, so I kept my mouth shut.