Page 35 of The One
Now he knew where this might be going. “It’s like riding a bike.”
She started to laugh. Laugh so hard that tears were running down her cheeks. “Wow. Thanks. I think. That did make me feel good.”
“We’ll go at your pace, I promise.”
“Thanks for that,” she said.
He just had to wait to see what her pace might be.
Healthy Balance
Two weeks later, Gillian walked into Trey and Whitney’s home with a birthday gift for Ben. He was going to be two in a few days, but the party was today since Trey was off.
It was going to be Trey and Whitney, her parents, Gillian, Whitney’s brother’s family and Whitney’s parents. More than enough.
“Where is the birthday boy?” she asked, walking to the back of the house where everyone would end up gathering.
“Aunt Gillian,” Ben said, his little legs running toward her. She’d put the box down and bent to pick him up and toss him in the air.
“Oh my, how many steaks have you eaten today? You’re heavy.”
“None,” Ben said, giggling.
“Just a massive bowl of pasta last night,” Trey said. “It’s the only way we can get him to eat his vegetables.”
“Which are good for you and make you strong,” she said, putting him down. “Ask Daddy, he eats his vegetables, right?”
She was lifting an eyebrow at her brother and he laughed. “When I cook them he does,” Whitney said. “And I do.”
“I fed Ben well and you know it,” Trey said.
“Because I was upstairs and preparing a lot of the meals,” Gillian said.
“I thanked you every day for that too,” Trey said.
Her brother did. She felt it was the least she could do for living in the apartment for free. Now she didn’t get to do much for her brother and it bothered her.
“Anything I can do to help?” she asked Whitney.
“I’m just putting some snacks out. Ben wanted pizza for his birthday.”
“Pizza sounds great,” she said. They were eating at noon and the party would be done within a few hours. Ben would go down for his nap because Whitney was pretty strict about those things. She knew when her time came she’d be the same way.
Structure was a good thing in life. Unless you breathed it for everything, she thought.
Then she told herself to get those thoughts out of her head. Mike was completely OCD and couldn’t do anything that would cause a ripple in the pond he lived in.
It was one thing they had in common in college. They were both detail orientated. But she knew how to live her life and he never could quite get there enough.
Whitney cleared her throat and Gillian grinned. She knew her sister-in-law wanted her to tell Trey about Rick. It’d been almost a month at this point and she hadn’t said a word to her family.
She wanted to see how things went with Rick first. Just because their first two weeks were great didn’t mean anything.
But it did. Things were going wonderfully for another few weeks too.
She talked to Rick daily, even if it was only a few texts. She saw him once during the week and on the weekends.