Page 36 of The One
They did a lot of kissing but nothing else.
She was wondering if she shouldn’t have told him about not sleeping with anyone else since Mike because now it was almost like he wasn’t making a move.
Which meant she had to. And she was going to.
Tonight. When she left Ben’s party she was going the block over and she was going to see her boyfriend naked.
Just the second man in her life and she was looking forward to it even through the fears.
“We’re here.”
She turned and saw her parents coming in the door and Ben running toward them after she set him down. Maybe it was good timing to do this now before Ryan and his family showed up.
“Hi, Mom. Dad,” she said.
“Gillian,” her mother said. “I haven’t seen you in over a month. Time sure does fly. You look different.”
“What?” she asked. “What does that mean?”
Whitney started to laugh and look away, Trey staring at his wife.
“I don’t know,” her mother said. “There is a glow to your face.”
Now she blushed. There was no reason for a glow when she hadn’t done anything physical yet. Or maybe it was there because she’d been thinking of it so much lately.
“Are you feeling okay?” her father asked. “Your face is red.”
“I feel fine,” she said. “But since we are all here there is something I wanted to tell you.”
“What?” her mother asked, passing Ben over to her father. There was concern on her face and she didn’t want that either.
“Relax. It’s a good thing.”
“Did you get a promotion at work?” her mother asked.
She grinned. “No.”
She’d been passed up over a year ago for the promotion when her supervisor left and she wasn’t happy, but she understood too. The person who got it had more experience than her but hadn’t been promoted, rather hired from the outside. That was what bothered her more than anything.
She knew her time would come, as she was young, so she put it behind her. She wondered if her mother was more upset over it than her.
“You’ll get the next one,” her father said.
“There is more to life than work,” she said.
They meant well because they knew that was pretty much all she’d been focusing on since she left Mike, but it wasn’t her world and it never would be. She wouldn’t get attached because it wasn’t healthy. If there was one thing she tried to do, it was to have a healthy balance in life.
She was lacking in the personal life category until recently and was thrilled to be able to say that wasn’t the case.
“Then what is it?” Trey asked. He looked at Whitney’s grin. “Something tells me my wife knows and hasn’t said a word.”
“It’s for your sister to say, not me,” Whitney said.
“I’m dating someone,” she said. There. That wasn’t so hard to say.
Until it looked as if her mother was going to start to jump up and down and clap her hands. “Who is it?”
“His name is Rick Masters. He lives about a block from here. He’s a software developer or something that just moved from California.”