Page 20 of Illicit Desires
Jo’s hand was raised like she was about to knock. Her eyes went wide and confused as she tipped her head. “Jaime? What are you doing here?”
“Who were you expecting that you decided to answer the door like that?”
Liam spoke over his wife. His voice was dark and low and I shrank away from him. It didn’t matter how much Jaime tried to reassure me, I didn’t trust Liam O’Connor and now he was standing in the door to my apartment.
The landline next to the door started ringing but I was too stunned to move. I hadn’t been expecting them and I was in no way dressed for company. Even Jaime being here made me uncomfortable. It was Jo who finally got me moving.
“Do you want me to get that?”
Blinking a few times, I pushed myself to get moving and marched over to the phone, trying not to show my unease in the tone of my voice when I answered.
“Miss Sloan! There was a dark stranger in the lobby just now. He asked for your room number. I didn’t give it to him but I think he’s headed there now. Don’t–” The doorman was losing his mind and I almost jerked the phone away from my ear with how loud he was screeching.
“Yes, I know. He’s a guest. Don’t worry about it. Have a nice night.”
I heard him spluttering on the other end but I ignored it, hanging up and turning back to face the couple standing in my doorway. It couldn’t be a good thing that Liam O’Connor himself was coming to my home, could it? Jaime was wrong and this is when he’d end me. Or maybe he’d make his wife do it. He did say she shot the last person who pissed her off. Maybe she was offended by how I berated her husband.
Jo looked around curiously. “You’ve got a nice place.”
I frowned, clearing my throat. “Um, thank you. Please come in?”
If they both weren’t watching me so intently, I would’ve grimaced. I was going to be murdered in my own condo and I invited the murderers in like it was nothing.
“Didn’t know you were coming,” Jaime noted, heading back to the couch like this was some sort of casual visit. He dropped into his seat, sitting sideways and tossing his arm across the back as he watched Liam and Jo come in.
Liam’s expression didn’t falter for even a second. “You didn’t answer the question.”
Jaime lifted a shoulder. “No one.”
I saw the irritation flash over Liam’s face. Jaime said he’d stay in the room with me when I met with Liam. I could now see what an absolutely horrible idea that’d be. He only seemed to rile Liam up more and I was already on his shit list. What if he took his sour mood with Jaime out on me?
In a desperate bid to distract the angry mafia boss, I gestured to the couch. “Would you like to sit down?” It sounded pained, I was really uncomfortable, but Liam dipped his chin once, guiding Jo to the couch and taking her jacket. She plopped herself down without much decorum, rubbing the little swell of her belly. Liam took his time, draping his coat and hers over the back of the couch before sitting next to her. I stood closer to Jaime, looking between them and trying to decipher their purpose. I could run but my stuff was still at the office and that included my car keys. Pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to avoid Liam O’Connor on the train.
Jo pursed her lips,though it was easy to tell she was trying not to laugh. “Okay, you look like you’re about to jump out of your own skin. You aren’t in any danger or anything. Liam’s here to apologize.”
My eyes went round and my mouth fell open. Pretty sure I looked like a cartoon with how shocked I was.
Jaime raised his eyebrows. “That’s a first.”
Liam glared at him. “Shut the–”
When Jo elbowed him, I actually panicked, worried she’d get hurt for pissing off a mafia boss, but he just grunted and fell silent, glowering at the room. She did grimace though and my brow furrowed.
“Are you okay?”
She sighed. “You wouldn’t happen to have any crackers, would you?”
Confused, I nodded and slowly headed toward the kitchen. When I came back, Liam’s scowl was gone and he was the one hovering, a concerned look on his face. Jo gave him a small smile but I saw another grimace pass her face. She was uncomfortable but I had no idea why.
Handing her the crackers, I tipped my head with a frown. “Is everything okay?”
She nibbled on a cracker before responding. “Yeah, I’m fine. But whoever decided to call it ‘morning’ sickness should be punched in the nuts. More like all day and night sickness.”
Ah. That’s what was bothering her. She couldn’t be that far along, she barely had a bump. I didn’t even notice it until she pointed out the fact that she was pregnant. I eyed the small trash can in the corner. Luckily, I’d put a liner in it recently so if she needed to vomit, I wouldn’t have a huge mess to clean up.