Page 21 of Illicit Desires
She took a minute to finish a cracker before dusting off her hands. “Enough about me. We’re here becausesomeonedecided to take his foul mood out on his new staff and I’m not okay with that.”
Unease spread through me as I turned my attention back to her. “That won’t be necessary…”
She waved her hand dismissively. “You’re just saying that because he’s your boss. I’m his wife, I don’t have to cater to his poor behavior.”
Jo was incredibly cavalier with the way she talked about her husband. My father would never allow my mother to speak to him that way. I kept waiting for Liam to lose his temper but he just looked exasperated, grinding his teeth until she reached over and tapped his cheek. He relaxed, nipping at her finger and making her laugh.
I was struck with a pang of jealousy over their blatant affection. Gavin never did anything like that with me. Especially in public. He would say he wanted to look professional no matter what so even hand holding was off the table. I would pretend it didn’t bother me, I had my own career to think about, but it did make me ache to see others give away that kind of affection so freely.
“You think this is bad, don’t ever walk into Liam’s home office around lunch time,” Jaime murmured. I glanced down at him and he actually shuddered.
“Why are you here, Jaime?” Liam growled. Jaime obviously wasn’t quiet enough and Liam’s glare was locked on him.
In a shocking twist, Jaime’s face darkened and he narrowed his eyes at Liam. “Someone had to drive her home after you scared the hell out of her.”
Liam scowled. “She was berating me and I–”
“That’s not an apology,” Jaime snapped.
They both seethed at each other and I felt trapped right in the middle of it. Jo let out an exaggerated sigh.
“You two seriously need to work out your issues. We came here to apologize to Rebecca, not listen to you two squabble. Liam, you agreed that you deserved the dressing down after you reassessed the contracts she was talking about so don’t get all defensive now just because Jaime is here.” She shot me an apologetic look. “Sorry, those two have been at each other’s throats for months now. I didn’t know Jaime would be here or I’d have suggested meeting another time.”
Her complete disregard to the angry men surrounding her was kind of impressive. There wasn’t an ounce of fear or trepidation on her face. She was relaxed and unbothered by them. Suddenly she frowned, pushing to her feet.
“Alright, I’m gonna be a bad guest but can I raid your fridge? The only thing that stops the nausea is eating. I swear I can’t stop for even a second. This kid eats more than the entire security team combined.”
I nodded, leading her to the kitchen. We could still see Liam and Jaime glaring at each other but we were far enough away that we didn’t have to hear them anymore unless they started yelling.
Pulling open my fridge, I flinched. “Sorry, I don’t have a lot here.”
She peeked around me and snickered. “Damn. I’m guessing you don’t cook much?”
“No, I work a lot and don’t always have time.”
She didn’t seem bothered by it though. “May I?” She pointed and raised her eyebrows and I stepped back, gesturing to the fridge.
“Be my guest.”
While she scrounged around, she called out to me, asking me questions about the apartment and my work. Aside from mentioning she wasn’t feeling well, she didn’t mention her pregnancy once, which was a little surprising. Most of the women I knew would be comparing their little fetus to fruits and gushing about nursery colors by now.
She pulled out some cheese and was eyeing the cold cuts when Liam appeared behind her. “Don’t even think about it. You can’t have that.”
She let out a frustrated growl and spun around. “Stop dictating what I can and can’t eat.”
He gave her a flat look. “I’m not dictating it, Sean is. And your OB. And every pregnancy expert on the planet.”
Irritation took over her face and she crossed her arms. “This is stupid. I want a sandwich.”
I didn’t know anything about what pregnant women could or couldn’t eat but I decided to throw her a bone. She was the only reason things haven’t fallen apart already and I didn’t want her to get sick and leave me alone with Liam.
“How about a grilled cheese? It’s sort of a sandwich.”
She pursed her lips before nodding slowly. “I guess that works. But I can’t cook.”
My eyebrows went up. What kind of housewife didn’t know how to cook?
A grin split over her face as she watched me. “You’re being so judgy right now, I can see it in your face.”