Page 82 of One Kind Night
All of that was true. In order to do that, however, Isabel would need to stay put. Specifically, stay away. From him.
Jackson had always loved the excitement involved in archaeology. That was why he’d hunted down the bigger digs, chased every adventure, and didn’t mind a little danger now and then. But that was all before he had someone who could easily be put in harm’s way or used as a pawn in some idiot’s plan. That was all before he’d taken his archaeology to his quiet hometown, usually kept safe by its three mountains and remoteness. Ward had come to Maplehaven because of Jackson. No denying that. The discovery of that dagger and the other pieces had lured a shitface like Ward and his money-hungry team to a place they never would have come to otherwise.
Jackson had made Maplehaven unsafe. He’d put Isabel and Eugene in harm’s way. He’d put his brother in harm’s way. Everyone had made it out all right, but it could have easily turned out differently. Hell, he’d been shot. He’d never been shot before. If that bullet had hit a few inches closer to his sternum, Jackson wouldn’t be feeling any pain now.
He’d be dead.
A shiver rippled through his body and Isabel squeezed his hand and snuggled closer.
“I couldn’t stay put, Jackson,” Isabel said. “Not with Grandpa in trouble. He’s... he’s my only family. He’s always taken care of me. I didn’t save him, but at least he wasn’t alone down in that cell.” Now it was her turn to shiver. “I thought we’d never get out of there.”
Jackson gave into the urge to put his good arm around her. Eugene rested his hand on Jackson’s uninjured shoulder from his seat behind him. Though they’d all been in today’s chaos together, Jackson felt separate from Isabel and Eugene. They were the victims.
He’d been the catalyst.
Charlie lowered the chopper to the hospital’s helipad and Isabel, Eugene, and Jackson were carted into the hospital right away. Blaze stayed with Charlie and she’d promised to take him to the vet to get checked out as well. After all, the dog had done his fair share of fighting today too.
Jackson was the most seriously injured, so he was rushed off to surgery where the bullet was removed from his shoulder, his hand was tended to, and he was stitched up. Or so he was told when he woke up in recovery.
Isabel was by his bedside and though he was groggy, he knew what he had to do. He couldn’t risk something happening to her again. Besides, she had her resort dreams to make a reality. She’d be moving on from Maplehaven to build her business and live her life.
He needed to do the same. He’d donate the few pieces he’d found in Pine River Cottages’ woods to any museum that wanted them. He’d claim he’d found everything there was to find in those woods to keep others from investigating and he’d be done with his research into the Sadekowi tribe.
Jackson hadn’t secured any funding to continue his work elsewhere, but he did have that text message from Asherfield University in D.C. The one he’d saved. The one with the professorship opportunity. Such a job didn’t light a passion within him, but it would be steady pay and keep him from bringing anymore trouble to Maplehaven and the people he loved.
Isabel brought a breakfast of oatmeal and toast to Grandpa where he sat at the kitchen table the next morning. His head injury had been deemed minor at the hospital yesterday and after insisting his cardiologist take a look at him too, Eugene had been cleared to come home. Isabel had begged Jackson to stay with her at her grandfather’s cottage so she could take care of both of them, but he’d gone back to his cottage instead. Something about not wanting to keep her awake if he couldn’t sleep due to his shoulder. She’d insisted she didn’t care. She’d just wanted to have him close, but since the helicopter ride, something wasn’t right.
Maybe Jackson was just upset about Ward. Perhaps he was freaked from being shot. In either case, Isabel had wanted to be there for him. He’d risked his life trying to save them by coming to that campsite. She needed him to understand how grateful she was for his attempt to rescue her and her grandfather. Charlie wouldn’t have known to come if the police scanner hadn’t alerted her. The police scanner wouldn’t have broadcast the details if Isabel hadn’t called Donovan. She wouldn’t have called Donovan if Jackson hadn’t told her to. It had all traced back to him and his willingness to help her find her grandfather.
“Have you talked to him?” Grandpa asked, angling his head in the direction of Jackson’s cottage next door.
“No,” she said. “I’ve texted a few times, but he hasn’t answered. Maybe he’s exhausted and sleeping.” Sleep would be good for his injury too. She didn’t want to disturb him, but she ached to see Jackson. To reassure herself he was, in fact, all right.
To reassure herself they were all right.
“Go check on him.” Grandpa stirred maple syrup into his oatmeal. “I’m fine here, Isabel. I promise.”
“Every time I leave you alone, you get into trouble, Grandpa.”
“More like trouble finds me. I’m not actively trying to get into it.” He patted her hand. “Go. I’m going to sit right here and eat this lovely breakfast my lovely granddaughter made for me.”
“Okay.” She kissed Grandpa’s cheek. “I’ll be right back.” Stopping at Blaze’s bed in the living room, she crouched to nuzzle the dog’s nose. “You watch over Grandpa, Blazey-Blaze. Mama will be right back.”
The dog licked her cheek and she scratched his furry chin, making his yellow-green eyes close. His vet visit hadn’t turned up any serious injuries. Just a few scrapes that had been cleaned after a kind vet tech had given Blaze a full bath. He smelled soapy and a little minty, but Isabel knew that wouldn’t last.
She stepped out of her grandfather’s cottage. The sun was pretty warm today and she caught sight of guests—two adults, two children—at the cottage across the main area loading up their car with chairs, towels, and a cooler. They were no doubt headed to Brenton Lake’s small beach area, roped off for swimming and chilling on the shore during the summer. It was a cute spot and one she’d included in the updated brochure.
Isabel took a few moments to survey Pine River Cottages fanned out around her. It wasn’t a big operation. Never had been. But with the plot plan from her grandfather’s office in mind, Isabel let her imagination wander. They had room to make a few more circles of cottages like this original one on the property, increasing the number of guests they could host. The circles could be connected with cute paths lined with rustic fencing.
A heated, indoor pool facility would be a big draw and usable even during cold Vermont winters. Hot tubs would be a nice touch behind the cottages too. Isabel had established a few ties to local businesses such as Aliza’s studio and Dakota’s adventure company and she’d done that in a matter of days. With a little more thought and more time, she could make other connections like those and open up a whole banquet of activities for travelers of all kinds. Right here. At Pine River Cottages.
Pine River Cottages and Mountain Resort...
She didn’t have to find a location for her dream. It was here. Right under her feet. She could be close to Grandpa and he could be a part of everything as she made what he’d started into a long-lasting, profitable business that brought happiness, relaxation, and mountain-style adventure to tourists and locals alike. She was certain Grandpa would be onboard. He’d lamented to her over how slow business had been. An idea like this would reinvigorate everything. The business plan she’d made would easily apply to this place with a few tweaks.
She’d get started as soon as Jackson was done searching the property for more Sadekowi artifacts. Turning toward his cottage, eager to tell him of her great idea, Isabel took a few steps in that direction before she noticed Jackson’s Wrangler wasn’t in the driveway. Where could he have gone so early? With that injured shoulder and hand, he should definitely be taking it easy. She knew she should have forced him to stay with her last night.