Page 83 of One Kind Night
She jogged over to the cottage and knocked on the door. “Jackson?” She waited a few moments, but she didn’t hear him stirring inside. Pulling out her phone, she checked for messages or calls from him, but she found none. The excitement over her resort idea faded as she considered where Jackson could be. Had his shoulder or hand not been okay? Had he gone back to the hospital? Had he taken his jeep into the woods to check out the dig site? Was he with his family?
Isabel dialed his number, but it still went directly to voicemail. She walked around his cottage, but the only tire tracks she saw were on the dirt road leading away from the cottage toward the main gates, not into the woods.
She hit Christian’s contact and headed for Grandpa’s cottage.
“Hey, Isabel. How’s the patient?” Christian asked.
“You mean you haven’t seen or spoken to Jackson?” She turned and jogged to the main office cottage.
“No. Why? Is he okay?”
“I was going to ask you that. He’s not at his cottage and his jeep is gone.”
“Son of a bitch,” Christian hissed.
“What? What’s going on?”
“He left. The bugger left.” Christian blew out a frustrated breath. “I thought we’d actually keep him here long-term this time, but I guess not.”
“Wait. You’re saying he left Vermont? Left Maplehaven? Just like that? Without a word to anyone?” Without a word to me? She burst into the main office and grabbed the second set of keys to Jackson’s cottage.
“He’s done that dozens of times before,” Christian said. “We get him for a quick hit, then some archaeological nugget catches his attention and he’s off. Then we get a brief text or email with his whereabouts.”
“And that’s it? You guys all accept that he just leaves?”
“We don’t have a choice, Isabel. It’s the way he lives,” Christian said. “Though I gotta say, I thought reconnecting with you was changing him. We all thought that. We all hoped he’d stick around for you.”
She’d thought that too. Neither of them had planned to stay in Maplehaven, but she’d had hopes they could work something out. Together.
But he’d made the decision for them.
“I’ll call the others,” Christian said. “To see if they’ve heard from him, but I’m pretty sure he’s gone. I’m sorry, Isabel.”
She hung up and jammed the spare key into the lock then pushed the cottage door open. As soon as her gaze landed on the coffee table—the one that was devoid of a laptop, books, papers, signs of the man she loved—she knew Jackson was gone too. A quick look into the bedroom revealed all his clothes were missing and the bathroom was empty of his personal items as well.
Isabel came back out into the living room. Part of her wanted to drop to her knees and cry her eyes out. She’d let herself fall back into love with Jackson Henley. No one else was her perfect match. He was it. Only him.
Another part of her, however, was pissed as hell at the man. Years ago, he’d left her behind. He’d chosen archaeology over her and she’d let him. After being with him now, however, she knew he loved her. Felt it in every molecule of her body. If he left her behind today, there was more to it than him choosing archaeology. He wouldn’t have risked his life for her if he didn’t love her. They’d rekindled their connection and it had more electricity coursing through it than ever. He didn’t get to unplug that.
Hell no.
She was about to call Christian back to report the empty cottage, but an envelope stuck to the refrigerator with a Pine River Cottages magnet caught her attention. Her name was written in Jackson’s all-capital, block-style handwriting.
Isabel’s anger soared. He’d left her a letter. A damn letter. She nearly ripped it to shreds before opening it, but curiosity got the best of her. Tearing the envelope open, she pulled out the folded piece of paper inside, her eyes tearing a little over knowing these were Jackson’s final words to her.
Dear Isabel,
Let me start by saying I love you. I love you so much. I meant it every time I told you that and I mean it now even though I’m gone. I left for you though and I hope you can understand my reasons. My work nearly got you and your grandfather killed. It makes me absolutely insane to know I brought Ward and his team to Maplehaven. They were here because of what I’d uncovered. I can’t risk bringing that kind of danger to you again. I won’t. Eugene had a nice, peaceful life in Vermont and he should be able to keep that. You have a bright future ahead of you and you need the chance to pursue that in whatever location you choose.
I know you’ll build the resort of your dreams and it will be a fantastic place people will rave about. You deserve every happiness in the universe, Whisabel. In this universe, however, that happiness doesn’t include me. Hopefully in a parallel universe, you and I get to enjoy each other for years and years.
I like knowing that in some timeline we get be together.
~ Jackson
Isabel read the letter over a few times. He was trying to protect her. A noble attempt, but completely unnecessary. The only way she’d truly get hurt was if she wasn’t with him. Her heart didn’t know how to beat without him. It never had. Being with him again in Vermont had shown her everything she’d been missing in her life since she’d walked away from him sophomore year in high school.