Page 84 of One Kind Night
Well, she wasn’t going to walk away this time and neither was he. Maybe being together was dangerous, but they’d survived yesterday because of each other.
And Charlie and Donovan and the police and the military. This phenomenal Maplehaven community had saved them and they belonged here. Together.
She flipped the paper over, hoping for more. A destination Jackson was heading for. An address. Something. She had to find him. He didn’t get to leave her without at least hearing her side. They’d made the mistake of not communicating the last time they broke up. She wouldn’t let that happen again. Maybe she wouldn’t be able to convince him they had something remarkable between them, but she had to try.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she yanked it out, hoping it was Jackson. It was Christian instead.
“The cottage is empty,” she said before Christian could speak.
“Yeah, he told Donovan early this morning he was accepting a professor job at a university in D.C.”
“A professor job? Doesn’t he prefer being out in the field?” She couldn’t picture him lecturing a bunch of college students.
“He totally does,” Christian said. “This is a case of my little brother trying to do what he thinks is best, but royally screwing up in the process.”
“Well, at least we’re on the same page about that,” Isabel said. “Does that university in D.C. have a name?”
“Asherfield,” Christian said. “You thinking of making a trip to our nation’s capital, Isabel Perri?”
“I’ve always wanted to take an archeology class.”
Christian hooted so loudly Isabel had to pull the phone from her ear. “You go get him, lady! I have a feeling you’ll be the teacher’s pet in no time.”
They talked for a few more minutes, making plans. Christian agreed that he, Landon, Donovan, Nicole, Aliza, and Tessa would check in on Grandpa so she wouldn’t have to worry while she was in D.C.
“Grandpa!” she called as she entered his cottage after hanging up with Christian.
“Yeah, Belly?” Grandpa poked his head out from the kitchen. “I wasn’t sneak eating a cinnamon roll. I swear.”
Isabel pointed a finger at him. “The cardiologist gave you that special diet.” She joined him in the kitchen to find the cinnamon roll package open. “But the occasional cinnamon roll is okay.”
Grandpa licked icing off his thumb. “Thank God. Life without cinnamon rolls is too tragic.”
“Agreed.” She ate one herself. “So is life without Jackson.”
Grandpa frowned. “He left?”
“He did, but I have plans, Grandpa.” She rubbed her hands together. “Grand plans.” After leading him to the couch, she told her grandfather about adding on to Pine River Cottages to build a resort and about getting Jackson back.
When she was finished, Grandpa smiled. “I’m in favor of any plans that keep you here in Maplehaven, Belly. I’m a bigger fan of plans that keep you happy.” He covered her hands with his, giving them a squeeze. “Go get your love, then let’s build the best mountain resort anyone has ever seen.”
Isabel hugged her grandfather. “You’ve always taken care of me, Grandpa. This resort will let me take care of you.”
“We’ll take care of each other.” He kissed her cheek. “I love you, Belly.”
“Love you too, Grandpa.”
Now Isabel had to get that one other person she loved. The one she loved with her entire heart.