Page 57 of One Kind Heart
Chapter Eleven
Somewhere in the telling of her tale, Dakota had taken Leah’s hand. It trembled in his grip now, and he wanted nothing more than to pull her into his lap and make her anguish go away.
But he knew he couldn’t do that. Her anguish would always be a piece of her. The only thing he could do was help her move forward.
“I’m so sorry, Leah,” he said when she was finished. “I can’t imagine what brand of hell you’ve been through.”
She swallowed loudly, a few tears glistening on her cheeks as she sniffed and reached for her purse. Taking her hand from him, she rummaged around in her bag, extracting a tissue and dabbing at her eyes, her nose.
“It definitely wasn’t how I imagined my future.” She gestured to the bed of the truck where Carter and Dena were still talking. “Carter either. His parents had passed before the accident. Chase was all he had.”
She unzipped a little side pocket on her purse and pulled something out. When she held it up, a diamond ring swung back and forth on a chain.
“I keep this on me. Haven’t been able to put it away yet. It’s been four years, but most of the time, it seems as if it all happened yesterday.” She slipped the ring back into the pocket and slowly zipped it closed.
“I’m sure there are a ton of things that trigger the memory too,” Dakota said. “I know I think about my family a thousand times a day. My parents and sisters are such a big part of… of everything. And you lost the family you were about to create too.” He took her hand again, bringing it up to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to her fingers. “I’m sorry you had to live that story again in order to tell me, but I’m glad you told me. It helps me understand what you need, what you want. I want to try with you, Leah. We can follow whatever rules you want, but I don’t think I can stay away from you.”
She squeezed his hand and cupped his cheek with her free hand. “I don’t want you to stay away from me, Dakota. I think you’re just the person to help me move on. Really move on. Coming to Maplehaven and starting over was step one, but you… you’re step two.”
He loved the slight grin on her lips despite the puffiness of her eyes after crying. “I’m honored to be step two.” Tugging her closer, he hooked her hair behind her ear and traced her jaw. Brushing his lips against hers, only briefly, he hoped she understood how honored he was.
“So is this date completely ruined or do you want to still go on it?” she asked.
“I’d love to still go on it if you’re up to it.” He didn’t want to let her go tonight. Not until her smile reached full wattage again.
“I’m up to it, but we should check in with Carter. He may not be.”
Dakota looked in the rearview mirror. “Something tells me he’s up to it.”
Leah turned around to see the bed of the truck. “Oh.”
Carter and Dena were leaning into one another, their mouths locked in what looked to be a pretty hot and heavy kiss. Dakota probably should be marching back there and telling Carter to get his damn mouth off his sister, but after hearing the story Leah had shared—the one where Carter lost so much as well—he didn’t have the heart to play the overprotective brother. Not tonight.
The truck shook a little as Carter and Dena slid off the tailgate, closed it, and returned to their seats in the back of the cab.
“I’m starving,” Dena announced, but she gave Leah a quick shoulder squeeze, a compassionate look on her face.
“One fancy dinner coming up.” Dakota started the truck and pulled back onto the road. His heart hurt for Leah and Carter, but it swelled knowing Leah thought being with him could help her start living again. He vowed right then and there to be whatever she needed, to give her subtle nudges on the path to recovery, to give her a hand to hold, an embrace to take comfort in.
More, when she was ready.
After a ten minute drive, they reached the rumble of Chasm Falls. Strategically placed spotlights illuminated the waterfalls, changing them from purple to teal to magenta as they sprayed water.
“How pretty!” Leah sat up straighter in the passenger seat, pressing her hand to the side window.
“I love this place at night,” Dena said. “It’s gorgeous during the day too, but there’s something downright enchanting about it in the dark.”
“Enchanting,” Carter repeated. “We could use some enchantment, couldn’t we, Leah?”
Leah nodded. “Definitely.”
“Well, you’re in luck,” Dakota said as he pulled into a parking spot in front of the restaurant. “Step Two comes with free enchantment.”
Leah gave him a bigger smile, and it was as if someone had presented him with an award.Make her smile. That would be his new mantra.
He hopped out of the truck as Carter did. “I’m sorry for your loss, Carter. And it sounds as if you were there for Leah during everything.” He held out his hand to the other man. “I’m glad she had someone.”