Page 58 of One Kind Heart
Carter shook his hand. “We were there for each other. She comforted me as much as I did her.” He hooked his hair behind his ear, adjusted his glasses, and looked at the falls before settling his gaze back on Dakota. “She’s still doing it. She let me visit her because I was a fucking mess a few days ago.”
“Well, maybe some time in Maplehaven will set you on a new path too.” Dakota clapped him on the back and they met the women at the front of the truck.
He offered his elbow to Leah, wanting to continue on the theme of enchantment. She deserved a fairy tale. She resembled a princess in the pretty rust-colored dress she wore. It showcased her fit body and though he loved her fun themed shoes, the high-heeled, knee-high, brown leather boots she had on right now made him imagine… things. She’d curled all that gorgeous blonde hair tonight so big waves rested on her shoulders and despite the fact that she’d been crying a little while ago, her face, with just a little makeup, was flawless.
“You look beautiful tonight,” he whispered as they walked to the restaurant’s entrance, Carter and Dena a few steps behind them.
“Thanks. I meant to tell you earlier that you look amazing in this shade of green. It makes your eyes electric.” Leah gave his elbow a squeeze and ran her free hand over the shirt covering his arm. “Spiffy looks wonderful on you.”
“Why thank you, Miss Greenstead.” He bowed his head at her. “You realize I’ve now made plans to change my entire wardrobe to this color of green, right?”
Her chuckle delighted him. “I’m not going to discourage that, however…” she leaned closer and pulled him down so her lips were right at his ear, “you’ve looked awesome in everything I’ve seen you in so far.”
He straightened to his full height, putting on a shocked expression. “Have you been checking me out all this time?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Have you been checkingmeout?”
“Damn. Yes.”
Another laugh that fueled him. “Okay then. We’re on the same page of Step Two.”
Dakota pulled open the restaurant door and ushered Leah in. Carter and Dena followed right behind them and because he’d made reservations, they were led to their table right away.
“Wow,” Leah said as she chose the seat near the window. “This view is incredible.”
“When I called, they asked if I wanted a table overlooking the falls,” Dakota said. “I asked if anyone everdoesn’twant a table overlooking the falls. I mean, look at it.” He arrowed both his arms to the light and water show outside.
“I have to hand it to Jacy,” Dena said. “She gave you good advice on this place, Dakota.”
“Don’t tell her,” Dakota said. “Then I’ll owe her.”
“You’ll probably end up owing her something anyway.” Dena turned to face Carter. “That’s how he got me to come tonight. He fixed my car and going on this double date was what I owed him.” She laughed when Carter’s mouth fell open. “Don’t worry. You’re turning out to be more than the geek I’d expected.” She bumped her shoulder against his, and he grinned.
“I’m not a geek,” he protested, but humor lit his brown eyes.
Leah snickered. “Not a geek?” She leveled her gaze on Dena. “I had to tell him that a T-shirt with the periodic table on it was not fancy enough for tonight.”
“Hey, chemistryisfancy.” Carter turned to Dena. “Don’t you think so?”
“Umm…” She giggled at the frowning face Carter made. “I’d have to say that chemistry has its place, but these dress pants and this blue button-down shirt were the right choice for tonight.”
“See?” Leah raised her eyebrows at Carter in an I-told-you-so gesture.
Carter shook a fist at her. “Next time, I’m wearing the periodic table.”
Next time?Dakota had figured Carter wasn’t going to be around long enough for there to be a next time, but maybe telling his story to Dena had changed things. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Carter seemed like a nice enough guy, and no doubt he’d helped Leah when she’d had nobody, but Dakota couldn’t shake the feeling Carter was still his competition. How longwashe planning to be in Maplehaven? How long was he planning to stay at Leah’s house?
The waitress came by and took their drink and appetizer orders, and soon everyone was relaxing. Conversation stayed on lighter topics after the heaviness of The Story earlier, but Dakota kept thinking about losing everyone the way Leah had. He was pretty sure he wouldn’t be doing as well as she was if he’d lost his parents and his sisters. They all drove him nuts, but he needed them. They were what kept him coming home every time he went out exploring. They were his roots and he wouldn’t be as sturdy without them.
But here Leah was. Having the bravery to start over in Maplehaven. Facing a room full of students who needed her every day. Getting up every morning, knowing a piece of her heart—no doubt most of it—had been carved out and turned to ash. Being courageous enough to date him when it had to be scary as hell to let anyone get close again.
He wouldn’t let her down. He’d give her all he had. He’d make her happy.
Dinner passed in a spectacular feast for the taste buds. Dakota had never had a steak that had been cooked to such perfection. If the little yummy—and sexy—noises Leah made as she ate were any indication, she’d enjoyed her chicken marsala too.
“Five gold stars for this place?” he asked her when their dishes had been cleared.
“Definitely. I haven’t had marsala that good in… well, ever.” She leaned against his arm. “Must be the company.”