Page 13 of Dangerous Desires
Birgitta gulped. It really was him. He was here, at her church, talking to her in front of the whole community and her family. Beneath her clothes, her pussy started to pulse.
“How are you?” He asked politely.
“Surprised to see you,” Birgitta said, her voice squeaking. “Do you live around here or something?”
“Nearby,” he said. “I come here to help.”
Birgitta suddenly realized she wasn’t blinking. She closed her eyes, saturating them, before allowing them to open once more. Her stomach was a nervous mess of energy. It felt like electric eels were slivering around inside of her, making every inch of her skin crawl.
“You were the one who told me about this place,” Malik explained. “You said for me to come here, that these people would help my family. They did. And now I try to return the favor.”
Birgitta felt her heart swell in her chest. As if Malik wasn’t gorgeous and irresistible enough, now this was added into the mix. How the hell was she supposed to resist him, knowing that he was willing to do good in the world as well as looking so drop-dead gorgeous? Birgitta forced a smile onto her lips as she tried to think of something to say.
All of the words got twisted in her head, falling in and out of order as she tried desperately to arrange them within her own mind. She could see the words in her mind’s eye, white on a vast expanse of black. The only thing Birgitta knew was the way her body felt when she was around him—her heart was beating unevenly, erratically thumping against her ribs, and her sex was engorged and hot, soaked with her own juices.
“What are you doing here?” Malik asked.
Birgitta tried to concentrate on his face but she kept going back to his eyes. They were drifting up and down her body, ogling her openly. It only made her excitement grow.
“I’ve been coming here since I was a very young woman,” Birgitta managed to say. “I try to help out, too.”
Malik smiled broadly. “Don’t you do enough at your job?”
Birgitta laughed. “Apparently not,” she said. “So, what kind of things do they do here these days? I’ve not been here for a while.”
Malik edged across the room, heading to one of the tables. He kept looking back to make sure she was following, which sent her heart into overdrive. “We help children learn English and Swedish before they’re put into the school system,” he said, pointing to a couple of leaflets spread out in a fan shape on the table. “Just the basics to help them get by. Questions, phrases, that kind of stuff.”
Malik moved away from that table, moving on to the next one. There, Birgitta could see a woman wearing a scarf around her head, covering her head modestly.
“We also teach English and Swedish to adults,” Malik said, “but that’s not a popular course. Most adults just go to school.”
Birgitta followed him around, nodding as he spoke. She eventually drowned out his words, only able to focus on his stunning face. The way his lips moved sent her into a trance. The way his hands gestured through the air so wildly showed just how passionate he was about this place.
Her loins started to burn brightly between her legs. She wanted him, there was no denying it. Seeing him here only made it so much more obvious. She could barely keep her hands away from his arms, touching him whenever she got the chance. She didn’t even care if Kent or Julia saw. She just wanted to be close to him, to feel his warmth against hers.
It was too much to handle. The only desire she had was to reach out to Malik, grab his face, and pull his lips to hers. It was the only thing she could think about. He was taking over her mind. There was one problem with her attraction—she didn’t know if it was because she couldn’t cum, or because she actuallywantedhim.
Finally, Kent and Julia came to her and managed to pull her away from Malik. As soon as she was away from his presence, helping to organize donations into categories, she could think clearly again. It was like a fog was lifted from her mind. Able to laugh and joke with her family, she felt herself somewhat returning to normal . . .
Almostnormal.She still felt the white-hot, burning desire inside her, only now the flames were stifled.
Chapter six
We can't keep doing this
Birgitta’shandsdriftedoverher body, her long fingers sliding over her clothes. She twisted and turned in front of the mirror, admiring the way her body looked. It was so cold outside, too cold to wear anything too revealing. Birgitta opted to wear a tight sweater, skin-tight pants, and heels. Even though her whole body was covered, she felt sexier than ever.
As she twisted her hips, watching the way her sweater separated from her pants to reveal her light skin beneath, she wondered how any man could resist her. Not only was she incredibly attractive, but she was deviant, too. What kind of woman would go out to meet with a man, intending to start an affair with him? Not many, none that she knew.
The only person she knew that had done anything similar was Sabina, and that was only an accidental kiss. It was nothing in comparison to the things that Birgitta was imagining. All the dirty things she wanted to do to Malik, all the things she wanted him to do to her. Oh, it was endless. She could live out her wildest fantasies with him and she knew he would be eager to please. What young man wouldn’t be?
A shiver rolled down her spine as she imagined the possibilities. A broad smile appeared on her lips. Birgitta couldn’t help but stare at herself, admiring everything about herself.
I’ve got this,Birgitta thought.Whatever life throws at me, I’ve got this all under control.
There was nothing else for her to do but leave the house. She sauntered downstairs, passing the living room without uttering a word to Kent or Julia. They were busy watching TV together, talking about whatever reality show they were concentrating on. Birgitta could hear her daughter screaming at the TV, saying how stupid the woman was. She paid them no mind as she shrugged on her coat by the front door.
Outside was bitterly cold. The sun was already starting to set and the sky was dark and gray, completely covered in thick, dense clouds. She rushed to her car, desperate for warmth. Once the car was running, she cranked the seat heating as high as it would go.