Page 14 of Dangerous Desires
The cafe Malik had chosen was only a couple of minutes away from Birgitta’s house, a tiny little place in the middle of nowhere. She’d driven past it so many times but had never bothered to go inside. As she pulled up to it, she looked at the wood exterior, painted a deep brown color. The windows were old, single panes. A small seating area outside was covered in frost, the planters filled with dead flowers and bushes.
She tried to see inside, but the windows were so warped with age that she couldn’t make out any faces or shapes. Everything inside looked distorted, like an abstract painting. The only thing she could do was get out of her car, her heart racing inside her chest, and make her way to the front door.
Inside was warmer than she’d imagined. The heat hit her like a brick wall, causing sweat to instantly break out on her forehead and cheeks. She took off her coat as quickly as she could, trying not to sweat through her make-up as she looked around for Malik’s face. She found him sitting off to the right, at one of the small circular tables.
His jet black hair had been brushed back away from his face, his curls looking loose and wavy today. Birgitta felt sweat start to bead on her palms. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the heat, or because she was nervous. When his dark eyes looked up from his phone and centered on her face, Birgitta felt her stomach drop through her body. His fingers let go of his phone, setting it down on the table, before standing up with a huge smile on his face.
“You’re here,” he said, outstretching his arms for a hug.
Birgitta wasn’t one to say no to a man. She allowed herself to be enveloped by his massive frame. She enjoyed the way his arms felt around her, so strong and protective. When he was done embracing her, he held her at arm’s length to look at her face. His brown eyes drifted over her features, gazing at her so lovingly. A warm, fuzzy feeling erupted in her stomach as they looked at one another. It was only for a moment, but a connection formed between them.
Birgitta felt her whole body start to shake as she tried to sit down in the seat. Malik was watching her intently and she was determined not to show him how much his presence affected her. She needed to stay cool and calm if this was ever going to go where she wanted it to.
A strange thought flicked through her mind.Do I really want to do this?Birgitta wondered. She stared at Malik’s dark skin, his black hair, his wide, dark eyes. She was questioning herself—questioning the burning desire inside of her.
If she got her deepest, darkest wish, her marriage would be over. Everything in life that she ever knew would be taken away from her, including her daughter. There was no way Julia would stay loyal to her, knowing that she betrayed Kent.
Stop it,the voice inside her mind whispered.Stop it. We’re having fika with a friend. Just fika.
As Birgitta looked to Malik, she knew that he would never want anything sexual from her. He was an attractive young man. He had his whole life ahead of him. Why would he want to pursue a woman approaching forty? It didn’t make sense. She was getting carried away with wishful thinking. All she needed to do was calm her beating heart, calm her frazzled mind, and compose herself.
“How are you?” Malik asked.
“I’m great,” Brigitta smiled.
She turned her body to the side, reaching around to the back of the chair. She hung her coat off the back of the chair and leaned against it, giving herself a little bit of cushion.
“How are you?” She asked.
Malik grinned, revealing his crooked teeth. “I’m having fika with a beautiful woman,” he said smugly. “How much worse could life be?”
Birgitta felt heat flush up into her cheeks, causing her whole face and neck to burn. “It was a surprise seeing you at the church,” Birgitta said, side-stepping his comment completely.
“It wasn’t a surprise seeing you,” Malik said, smirking.
He extended his arm across the table, his hand reaching for hers. He stopped just shy of her fingers as his eyes bored holes into hers.
“I go there a lot,” he said, lowering his voice, “mostly to see you.”
Birgitta chuckled, feeling a little surprised. “To see me?”
Malik’s left eyebrow cocked, rising up his forehead a little as it arched. “Why wouldn’t I want to see you?” He asked. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and you help people. You have a good soul.”
Birgitta laughed again, but this time it was just to cover the fact that she was too stunned to speak. She could feel her heart going crazy and her mind wasn’t much different. Thoughts in her mind all merged together, turning into garbled nonsense.
“So, what do you like to do for fun?” Malik asked, changing the subject so quickly it made Birgitta’s head spin.
She frowned at him, wondering if he was trying to keep her on her toes on purpose. Was this some kind of young man’s trick? Keep the woman guessing constantly, keep her confused so she couldn’t control the conversation?
Malik didn’t seem to sense her unease, or he didn’t care. He stayed hunched over the table, his hand close to hers. All she would have to do is reach out and touch him, gently caress his fingers with hers. That’s all it would take, she knew, and he’d be hers.
“Fun,” Birgitta repeated, trying to think.
She swallowed the dry, hard lump in her throat. It was only then that she realized how damn thirsty she was. As she gazed around the cafe, she wondered where the waitress was.
“Uh, nothing really,” Birgitta said.
She couldn’t admit to her sex toy collection, not now at least. There was no way she’d be able to put that bombshell down on Malik, not yet at least.