Page 14 of Before The Snow
"He does not! Tanner smells like lemons and he smells great."
He cocked an eyebrow. "I don't really trust that. You just hit your head."
"Another crack like that and you'll end up the same way."
How could he have gone more than a year without riling her up? "So I suppose I'll have to ask you another time if you always get off listening to my songs, huh?"
Her face went from pale to fire-engine red in three seconds. "For-For the love of god, Ramiro!" She sputtered. Angrily, she slapped his placating hands and jumped off the bed. He grabbed her by the waist and hauled her back to his chest. She struggled, but he was stronger despite sitting down. He grunted as he slightly twisted his lower body away from her hip. His cock had begun to behave, but with her squirming and brushing against him, it was raring to go.
"Let me go," she hissed.
"Cool it, will you? Can't you take some teasing . . . "He smirked against her hair. "Minx?"
"Damn it, Ramiro!"
"Alright. I'll shut up now. I'll wait until you're in your fighting form before I ask again. Minx." He was practically purring. He didn't know water had a scent, but that was what he smelled from behind her ear. Fresh and natural. Carmen jerked away from him and sat back down.
The curtain parted, and a tall man with the wildest red hair and a frightful-looking beard entered. Ramiro's arm flung protectively across Carmen's chest before he saw the white coat he was wearing, and the stethoscope slung across his shoulders. The man looked like a half-bear and half-man.
"Which one of you is Carmen Schwartz?"
Ramiro lowered his hand to her knee and patted it soundly. "Her."
The man frowned at him and then smiled at Carmen. He was practically leering. Ramiro saw Carmen's nipples pointed and strained under her sweater and the fucking bear-man clearly appreciated the sight. When the man introduced himself, Ramiro thought of throwing his t-shirt over her and wrapping her up with the sheet like a burrito. "I'm Dr. McCoy."
"I don't need to be here," Carmen declared.
Ramiro rolled his eyes, moving his arm around her shoulders. "She slipped in the hot tub and hit her head. She was unconscious for a few seconds."
As if remembering that Ramiro was there, the bear-man frowned at him. "What happened?"
Carmen blushed, and Ramiro was quick. Casually, he drawled, "Well, doctor, I don't think my fiancée would like for anyone else to know the precise details of her slipping, but we both had a great time before that." He chuckled. "My sweetheart sure knows how to welcome her man home."
Big, sapphire eyes stared at Ramiro in horror, and he grinned. McCoy's frown deepened as he made a note on the chart and fished out a penlight from his pocket.
"Carmen, let's have a look at you, shall we? You were right to come here if you were unconscious even for just a few seconds."
"Told you," Ramiro said.
"I still think this is a waste of time," Carmen complained, following McCoy's instructions to look at the light. Ramiro tightened his hold on her shoulders when the doctor started feeling for the spot on her head. Carmen's hiss of pain told him he'd found it, and he made another note on the chart.
"Your pupils are responding to the light. How are you feeling?'
Blinking rapidly and squinting, Carmen was cross. "My head hurts and I'm a little sleepy."
"Best that you keep awake for a few hours," he said, writing on the chart again. "Do you have blurred vision? Difficulty speaking?"
"She was slurring when she regained consciousness," Ramiro said.
"But not anymore," Carmen added quickly. "I'm fine."
"Still, to be on the safe side." McCoy wrote some more. When he looked at Ramiro, he was frowning again. "She needs to be kept awake for four hours. She can take the medicine during that time. When she sleeps, she must be awakened every two hours after. Think you can do that?"
"There's no need for that. I can set the alarm," Carmen protested. McCoy looked like he was considering - hell, he preferred this option. Ramiro saw him seem at war with himself before he said with a sigh, "You might sleep through the alarm, Carmen. Best that someone is really there to make sure." He glanced at Ramiro again, this time looking resigned.
Again, Ramiro grinned from ear to ear. "Signing on, doc."
"Are we done?" Carmen was impatient. She gave Ramiro a side-eye. "I told you this is a waste of time."