Page 15 of Before The Snow
"Let me write up the prescription for you, then you can go." McCoy told them, then left.
"We saw a doc, so we know what to watch out for," Ramiro said, leaning back on the bed and putting his hands behind him. "You wouldn't want to be the first Schwartz to drown in the bath. Although that could have been a way to go." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively, and Carmen looked away. Her neck was flushed cherry-red.
Enjoying what he was doing, he continued, "I'm surprised you pickedThe Lady is A Minx.I pegged you more as more ofThe Furysort." The Fury was literally Seismic's loudest song. All shouting and screaming guitar riffs. If Carmen was into complex rock music when fucking, The Fury was just the song for her. Now that was a thought. Buttoned-up, braless Carmen with the nipple piercings must enjoy rock-star-style-screaming sex.
"Would you stop," she hissed.
"Where the fuck is Tanner? Hell, Carmen, if that's the show I'll be coming home to every night I don't think I'll leave at all."
"Ramiro, I swear if you don't shut up - "
Knowing he had pushed her far enough, he held up his hands in surrender. Carmen was still scowling at him when the bear doctor returned. He smiled at Carmen when he handed her paper but gave Ramiro a warning look. The hairy dog was obviously into Carmen. Fat chance he was going further than that.
"Take this when you get home but stay awake for four hours." He told her, his manner very friendly. To Ramiro, he practically snarled, "Then you wake her up every two hours."
As Carmen tucked the prescription in her pocket, Ramiro swept the curtain aside gallantly and gestured she precede him. She ducked her head as she walked past. Without warning, Ramiro slapped her on the ass.
"What on earth - "Carmen growled, whirling around. Ramiro laughed and slapped her there again.
"Still in fine form, minx. Just checking." He smirked at McCoy, who was glaring at him disapprovingly. Carmen grunted under her breath and walked away fast. Ramiro was quickly at her heels, his arms wrapping around her waist. When he looked back, the doctor was staring wistfully after them.
"I knew it," he said, leading Carmen to the pharmacy.
"Get your hands off me," she commanded.
"After I just protected you from that lecher?" Ramiro put his hands on his hips and stared up at her. She wasn't much taller than him, but he still had to crane his neck. He glanced pointedly at her erect nipples. "He really liked you." He said huskily.
Carmen gasped, and her arms quickly flew up to cover her chest. Reddening, she hunched low. Realizing he had embarrassed her, he promptly said, "Hey, it's not your fault. You have every right to not wear a bra. Your tits don't need them - "
"Ramiro, for the love of God, I am this close," she showed the small distance between her thumb and forefinger, "to knocking myself out just so you'll stop torturing me."
He bit back a grin. "I just thought to protect you, minx. That doctor was looking at you like you're a giant lollipop he would like to lick and slurp."
Carmen shot him a withering glare, then turned to make her order to the pharmacist. As her prescription was packed, she turned to Ramiro. Rubbing her eyes, she asked, "Ramiro, you haven't answered my question. Why are you here?"
Deliberately misunderstanding her, he said, "You couldn't believe how handsome I am so you fainted."
She glowered at him, which conveyed she would hack off his body parts with the bluntest blade she could find for added torture. Shifting his weight from one foot to the other, he cleared his throat.
Carmen tapped her foot impatiently. "Out with it."
"I wish to sing again." He looked her in the eye, his voice grave. "I intend to make a comeback, and I need you to make it happen."
As he had been doing since he nearly gave her a heart attack hours ago, Ramiro strolled ahead of her, unlocked her front door, and slipped inside. Carmen limped after him, eyebrows drawn together and thick bottom lip jutting out in a moody pout. She closed the door, tossed her purse on the table, and watched in disbelief as Ramiro went to the kitchen and helped himself to the dark chocolate tart.
Her head was no longer throbbing as it had, but a new headache was about to happen. She continued with her appalled stare as Ramiro rooted in the fridge next and pulled out a carton of milk. He sniffed it, shrugged, and brought it to the table.
"Excuse me?" She demanded. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"I'm starving. Come over here." Ramiro pulled out a chair for her and helped himself to the food.
She must still have been knocked out and drowned in the bathtub. That must be it. She was dead, and this was the first hell in her descent. She went to the kitchen but only stayed by the doorway, her mouth pursed even tighter as Ramiro let out a really indecent, sinfully sexy moan as he bit into the tart. Her eyes widened as she felt a familiar swelling below her stomach.
"God,fuck,"he spoke, eyes closed as he savored the bite. He licked his lips, and her breath froze halfway before she remembered how to exhale. He closed his eyes and brought his fingers to his lips. Yep. This was hell, alright. No one with greasy, blond hobo hair should look that good eating tart. If Ramiro were cast in a commercial for pastry, everyone would not only forget about the ten pounds they wanted to lose, there would be converts among hard-core vegans and anti-gluten groups too. She was neither.
"Oh, god." Ramiro continued to groan. His voice was doing fluttery things to her stomach and between her thighs. Carmen wanted to kick something. Her head may not be hurting as much anymore, but she was still in a fight with her fiancé, which meant more than a month of not getting any action. She thought herself a decent person, not the kindest nor the nicest. This torture Ramiro was inflicting on her was really, really unfair.