Page 26 of Before The Snow
This time Carmen lost it. "Because I fucking had a concussion and had to be woken up every two hours! He stayed with me to do that. Don't liken me to you, you fucking bastard. I was willing to stay in this relationship, I wanted to marry you but I was this stupid fuck thinking stupidly that you'd tell me about those women. I was so fucking stupid to worry about losing you when you're not worth keeping at all."
"That's rich coming from you. You just strung me along. Do you have any idea what I had to do to be with you?"
"I didn't force you to sell your place. You wanted to live here."
Tanner slapped his palm on the table with satisfaction. "And there you go. I was always the one wanting to be with you."
Carmen crossed her arms. "That what you were thinking when you fucked Tina Hanson's personal assistant?"
But Tanner wasn't listening. "It was always me wanting to move forward with you. Me. You wouldn't sleep over at my place so I had to show how much I wanted to be with you. When I asked you to marry me and you still wouldn't do that, I practically had to beg to live with you."
"Are you trying to justify why you were fucking other women? That this was all my fault? Did I hold a gun to your cock and told you to fuck elsewhere?"
Tanner threw her a look of dark disdain and stormed out of the kitchen. Carmen heard him ripping into the closet. Then he was out an overnight case in hand. He cast another look of utter hate at Carmen, who only stared back calmly.
"Make sure that's all your things," she said. "I'm changing locks and fuck you if you think I'll ever let you back in here."
The waitress was a slim, curvy brunette whose smile never faltered the entire night. It had a hopeful lilt, matched with eyes that simmered with lust. In return, Ramiro sent her a dry expression while Robin struggled to mock his big brother.
"Can I interest you with dessert?" She spoke to both but at the last word, stared at Ramiro.
"Just bring us coffee," Robin answered when Ramiro looked away from her, hiding his annoyance. The girl huffed for the first time in the night, realizing that the handsome Brandt brother was not into her. She muttered something about getting their order and walking away.
"So she does walk normally," Ramiro retorted, turning back and grunting under his breath. "I thought those hips were going to pop off with the way she was swaying."
"Be nice," Robin told him. "She can't help putting the moves on you. You are, after all, annoyingly handsome."
Ramiro snorted and brought a glass of water to his lips. "Not my type."
Robin rolled his eyes. "Since we've sat down, a redhead model whom I heard isn't particularly choosy with who she fucks made eyes with you until she left with someone else. A blond who had the guts to send you a drink inviting you to join her at the bar, and probably the most beautiful woman of the night, with a downright sexy accent came right up to us, at this table." He tapped it with his chubby finger for emphasis, "and said she would do me if you'd do her. And now that waitress looks like she will be amenable toanythingin bed. What do you want?"
"I don't believe my manager would approve of me starting an affair with anyone when she's working day and night trying to get me back on top," Ramiro drawled. He continued to stare at Robin, who ignored him and smiled at the frowning brunette. She served them their coffee, parroted the standard, "Enjoy your coffee," put on a fake, painful smile then left. Ramiro let out an impatient sigh while Robin chuckled.
"Oh, I never thought I'd see the day when Carmen Schwartz quite literally holds you by the cock, brother," he said. "I wonder what our dead sister would say about that."
Ramiro shot him a warning glance before putting cream in his coffee. "You sure know how to ruin the night."
"I thought you've dragged that woman by the roots," Robin said, ignoring his temper. "She's not worth another thought, you know that."
"She's our sister."
"More yours than mine."
Ramiro sighed. "I'm here tonight to see you and show you I'm alive. Not to talk about her."
"Fine. Fine. If not Temperence, then let's go back to Carmen. Since when did your manager had a say on where you put your cock?"
Robin's favorite jokes involved sex, and there was no better audience than his brother. Ramiro could dish it back, but tonight, though it wasn't Robin's intent, he couldn't. Not when he imagined Carmen panting in his ear, her big hands eagerly guiding his cock to her cunt. His cock twitched, picturing her hard thighs pinning him down, totally enslaving him with her beautiful eyes and star nipple piercings. He couldn't get over the image of her nipples looking pink and swollen, gleaming with the piercings from the water.
His fascination with Carmen had been going on for as long as he could remember. She was ugly and often wore a surly expression, making her astonishingly beautiful eyes look wrong on her face. She could be the most unpleasant company since she was always herding the band like cattle and imposing limits on their fun. They all rebelled at her putting them on schedule - up at dawn for a workout, a strict diet that only allowed one meal for indulgence, practices, and rehearsals. She was a hard-ass but delivered results.
And when she wasn't being a manager, she was a good, trusted friend, if not an ally. Ramiro would never forget the added security she placed around Russell when his family would try to sneak into their concerts and hurl abuse at him. Aware of her influence as the manager of the biggest rock band ever, she had gone on record to denounce the spread of hate, intolerance, and bigotry. The Alliance for Values and Morals then went on the attack, filing a motion for songs by Seismic and other similar groups and artists to be banned for encouraging depravity among the young. Ramiro was called to testify, but his inherent need to mock got him thrown out. Carmen's testimony not only painted the Alliance as idiots but also put Seismic records and other songs back on the market.
He had to go away for a year and lose her to another man to realize he loved her. Not in love. But love her. Truly, madly, deeply.
When she told him the year before that she was engaged, Ramiro was devastated. His sister was gone, his guilt over her death gnawing at him non-stop. Now the one pillar of light in his life was gone, lost to a man worthy of her. Ramiro couldn't like Tanner because he thought PR guys were shallow. Still, following her announcement, he realized he would have to accept the other man in her life or lose her completely. Tried. He tried but couldn't.