Page 27 of Before The Snow
When he realized that nothing was holding nor keeping him anymore, no band, no Carmen, no nothing, he set out to heal himself. He went to the retreat to recover from his addictions and deal with Temperence's ghosts, but most of all forgot Carmen.
Again, he tried.
Really tried.
Now he was living with her, and she shared her bed with that other man. Haunted by the idea that Tanner would fuck his lady love senseless, Ramiro thought about taking sleeping pills. Just thought. His solution was some heavy-duty earphones for when they would fuck. He dreaded sleeping at night, snapping awake whenever he heard a groan or a squeak from the mattress next door. He heard nothing. Still, he wasn't in the house all the time. Who's to say they didn't sneak back in and fucked on the couch?
But Ramiro realized he would probably survive hearing Carmen moaning and screaming when Tanner fucked her. Being married to him - that he couldn't.
Ramiro knew that wealth and good looks wouldn't move Carmen. He liked to think that he may have been in love with him if not for Temperence's presence when he slayed songs with his golden voice, and people worshipped him. That was the best of him, and that's what she was going to get. He did miss singing and performing. He missed Seismic but nothing compared to the hole in his heart at the thought of losing Carmen for good. That would not be warm-hearted. He knew he wasn't going to survive that.
"Since I promised her not to get home very late," Ramiro answered smoothly, checking on his watch. "I have to go."
"Go? Ramiro, it's ten-thirty. Did Carmen impose a curfew on you?" Robin demanded in disbelief. "Bloody hell, that woman is a fucking control freak. Don't tell me she's got her own bowel movements scheduled too? And yours?"
"Wouldn't put it past her." Ramiro answered with a smile, imagining himself and Carmen in the shower. "Come on, I'll take care of this."
He doled out bills from his wallet, and they stood up. All eyes were on them when they were first led to the table. Ramiro rolled his eyes, annoyed. Robin walked ahead, chin up and his expression smug. Ramiro shuffled after him.
"Father would be summoning you next," Robin said as they stood in front of the restaurant waiting for valet.
"You really can't not tell him?" Ramiro asked with a wince.
Robin was sympathetic but shrugged. "Who's to say no one there took a snap of you? And those sharks." He nodded at the paparazzi beginning to approach them.
"Hell, "Ramiro muttered, ushering Robin back inside the restaurant. "I told her to wait until we're done."
"Carmen's only doing what you told her," Robin pointed out.
"That she does. Doesn't mean I have to like it." Ramiro turned away from the glare of the flashbulbs.
The valet arrived with the car. Ramiro and Robin ran for it, ignoring the shouts and calls from the paparazzi to give them a nice photo. Someone shouted, "Imp!"
As Ramiro gunned the engine, Robin stuck his head out the window and yelled, "My cock is still bigger than yours!"
They laughed as Ramiro drove away from the restaurant, quickly shifting gears. "I missed you, baby brother," he said, glancing at Robin with a warm smile before turning back to the road.
"Missed you too." Robin said. "Ah, the brothers, back in action."
"I can't wait to be in a recording studio again," Ramiro admitted. "I've written a lot in the retreat. Until now, too. There's got to be a hit or two in the pile."
"I can't wait to see you back onstage," Robin agreed. "You've always looked good up there. Fuck, it's where you belong."
Ramiro was quiet. "Hopefully that's not only where I belong."
"I'd be happy to find that one cunt that would make my cock sing," Robin said.
Ramiro chuckled. "Thanks a lot for the visual."
"I'm serious!" Robin exclaimed. "I think I've reached my pussy saturation point. I'm not saying no to fucking ever but I'd like to come home to someone. Fuck only that someone. Really, it's so tiring going home with a different woman every night."
"I'm not a woman."
"No, you definitely are not. But you're prettier than Carmen." Grinning mischievously, Robin asked, "So, I know she's engaged to that guy. But have you seen her naked."
She has the sweetest-looking nipples and a full bush. Her cunt is butter-pink. I'd be happy to live the rest of my days on my knees for her."Of course not."
"Why not? With legs like that, she's got to be keeping another treat or two under her pants. God should rue the day pants were invented. Tell Carmen the next time I see her she'd better be in a skirt." Robin smirked. "A mini-skirt."