Page 15 of Ruined
“Thank you, Eden. And I’m really glad you’re doing okay. You are, aren’t you?”
“I’m getting there. Better every day.” A heavy weight roots itself in my chest and my mind plunges into dangerously dark territory. “Kitty,” I choke out around the lump forming in my throat.
“What do the guys hanging around the club look like?” I have a sick feeling I already know who they are, but I can’t help but ask.
“One is kind of tall, Latino,overlymuscular, by a lot. Gives me the total heebie-jeebies. The other is older with balding-grey hair.”
Fuck, confirmation really does suck.
“Stay away from them, Kitty. They’re bad news.”
“No need to worry there,” she tells me. “I’ve got to get ready for tonight. Let me know if you hear anything.”
“I will. You know you really should quit,” I say, hoping maybe she’ll listen to me and get out.
“I can’t, Eden. I had blinders on before, not seeing or maybe just choosing not to see what was happening right in front of me. But I see it all now. How can I leave when girls I’m supposed to be leading are being taken advantage of? Used, abused, and drugged within an inch of their lives. If I can help them in any way, I have to try. I know those guys of yours are doing something to end it all, and Harley, maybe even Xav are helping them. If I can pass on information that might help, I have to stay.” She sounds defeated, yet determination rings through every word.
“I know. Just promise me you won’t do anything to draw attention to yourself, that you’ll stay safe.”
“I promise. Now I’ve really gotta go,” she says and disconnects the call.
A gaping hole forms in the pit of my stomach. Virgil and Vincent are hanging around the club, Harley is missing, and Kitty’s caught in the middle of it all. Dark thoughts swirl around inside my head.
Is Harley dead?
Is Virgil taking back power and staying in the city?
Is he waiting for me to return to the club?
Will he use Harley to try and force me to go back?
What if they hurt Kitty?
My hands tremble and my breaths come in short, sharp inhalations, an attempt to fill my lungs.No. No. No. Not now.Picking up my phone, I blindly hit a random name on my contacts list and let it ring. The phone slips from my hand and I slide to the floor. Huddling in a corner, I pull my knees to my chest and rock back and forth until the panic steals my body and mind, rendering me completely immobile.
A muffled voice next to my ear breaks through the dense swooshing of blood rushing through my veins. “Eden, listen to my voice. Focus on me. Everything is going to be all right.”
The chill infused in my system has my body frozen in place with my arms locked around my knees. An invisible hand wraps tight around my throat and I gasp desperately for air. My nerves vibrate uncontrollably and every inch of me aches from the violent rattling of my bones.
A gentle hand caresses my cheek and I recoil, unable to see who’s in the room with me. “Don’t touch me,” I rasp around the hand gripping my throat, and drop my forehead to rest on my knees.
“Okay, Eden. I’m just going to sit over here across from you. You know, I was a little thrown when I first heard your name. I’ve never met an Eden before. How did you come up with that name?”
I breath sweet oxygen, each inhale coming easier with the passing of time. My mind replays the question asked over and over, mulling over the answer. I lick my dry lips and wait for the words pass through them. “It … felt fitting. The Garden of Eden was corrupted by the serpent that tricked Eve. I’ve been corrupted by the serpents that hunt me.”
“You don’t think Eve would be a better fit for you? I can’t see that you’re the corrupted.”
“No, I’m the corrupted, tempting others into sinning.” I finally lift my head and stare into the most intense honey brown eyes I’ve ever seen. “Daemon,” I whisper, pressing the heel of my hand against my temple.
“Welcome back,” he says, giving me the most beautiful, crooked smile.
I drop my hand and look around. No one else is in here but the two of us. “What are you doing here?” I ask, confused.
“You called me. I happened to just pull in the driveway when I got your silent call. I rushed in when you didn’t say anything and found you here.”
“Oh,” I whisper. Embarrassment that it was him I called, sends a rush of heat to settle in my cheeks. “Thank you.”