Page 16 of Ruined
“I don’t want to leave you alone, but I’ve got to meet with Lucifer and Kain. Do you want to come along?” He stands but makes no move to leave.
“I’m okay, you can go.”
“Are you sure?” He looks torn between leaving and sitting back down.
“I’m really okay. I just need a few minutes to sit by myself to think things through, collect myself, really. Please, don’t let me keep you from something important.”
Daemon studies me, assessing my truths and lies. He nods and takes a step forward to bend down and place a kiss on the top of my head. “I’m just a call away if you need anything.”
A zing of electricity shoot through me at the contact.What was that?
“I know you are, and thank you again.” I surprise myself with that beginning statement. It’s true though. I know if I really need him, he’ll come running.
He holds my gaze for a heartbeat too long, causing my heart to flip in my chest. There’s an emotion hiding behind those honey brown orbs that I can’t quite put my finger on, but one that affects me all the same. He offers me one more swoon-worthy smile before walking out my door, leaving me confused and exhausted on my bedroom floor.
The white,square cloth in my hand quickly turns red, the blood from my latest hunt tainting the once pure fabric. Interesting symbolism for my soul. I watch in fascination as the red liquid spreads from one twisted fiber strand to the next.
Heavy footfalls echo down the corridor, and Daemon, clad in jeans and a white short-sleeve shirt and armed with his shoulder holster and badge, exits Eden’s room with what looks like a black shoebox tucked under one arm.
“What the fuck were you doing in there?” I demand, striding across the foyer to crowd his space. He has no business being in her room … alone.
He pushes me back with a groan and hand to the center of my chest, and I give him one step of reprieve before I murder him. Brother or not.
“Easy, Kain. Fuck, give me two seconds to explain before you cut my nuts off, will you?”
I take another step back, and he breathes a little easier.
“She blindly called me in the middle of a panic attack. I just happened to have arrived when she did. I was only helping her. She’s fine now, by the way. She asked for time to collect herself.”
The bitter taste of jealousy coats my tongue followed by a wave of insecurity. Why would she call him? Does she trust him more than me?
“Stop it, Kain. She was in a haze of panic and blindly hit a contact on her phone. It wasn’t a conscious decision; she didn’t even speak. It connected, and all I heard was whimpering and erratic breathing in the background. Honestly, I’m surprised you guys put me in her contacts at all. I mean, I assume you provided the phone for her since the only contacts in it are the three of us, Dad, and someone named Harley.”
Something settles inside of me with the knowledge that she didn’t intentionally seek out Daemon, but a part of me still burns that I wasn’t around to help her when she needed it.
“How would you know who’s in her contacts? Were you going through her phone? It’s not okay to invade her privacy, Daemon.”
“Go fuck yourself, Kain. I hung up her phone once she was calm and the screen returned to the last one it was on—her fucking contacts. Pretty easy to glance five names on a screen. You really have so little faith in me?”
Shit. Fuck. I berate myself for letting my anger at my own shortcomings get the better of me. It’s not his fault, he was here. I was out slaying her demons, but she doesn’t know that, she can’t know, not yet.
“What’s that?” I ask, pointing to the box under his arm and trying my damnedest to distract myself from storming into her room.He said she needed time.
“This is why I’m here. I need to talk with you and Lucifer.” The quick change in expression tells me whatever is in that box is fucking serious.
I grunt and walk towards Lucifer’s office. Daemon falls in behind me, each step he takes getting progressively louder as we make our way down the long hall.
“I hope you don’t do a lot of stealth missions,” I say, throwing a glance over my shoulder, ribbing him a little about his career choice like I used to do in the old days.
“Because you walk louder than a raging bull,” I say and chuckle silently.
A slap to the back of my head leaves me frozen in place, stunned by the familiar act. Daemon storms by me, a little extra bounce to his step, and I gape at his back for a minute.
“Is that how it’s going to be?” I holler after him, jogging to catch up. I wrap an arm around his neck and pull his head down, locking him in the bend of my elbow. I rub the knuckles of my free hand roughly against the top of his head as we storm through the doors to Lucifer’s office.
“Get the fuck off me, Kain,” Daemon demands, his voice muffled by my body. His fist connects with my lower back, and I let him go with a mix of laughter and groans.