Page 31 of Come Back to Me
“My sweet girl. Oh, Mia,” is all she can say as she silently cries.
Mom smiles at me, wiping tears from my face. She looks relieved and I’m so happy I could give her that. I turn around, sniffling, and see Richard standing at the island. He looks awkward and I realize he wants a hug too, so I happily oblige. He only hugs me for a few seconds before patting my back and clearing his throat. That’s emotional for Richard. I’m thankful for the love he has given my mother and all the support he has given me.
“I’m glad you’re here, honey. I got a call from Cole the other morning. I have made arrangements for security to be with you just until we find Carter. I’m sure you can understand Cole’s insistence. You probably haven’t even noticed them. They’ve been trailing you for the last few days. Cole has been firm about keeping you safe while helping you maintain a sense of freedom.”
“Absolutely, it’s fine. Whatever you all think is best, you won’t get any more arguments from me.”
I hug my mother once more and promise to have dinner with them later in the week. Right now, I need to go and tie up the loose ends with Jack. If I am going to work my way back to Cole, I need to do it free of distractions and obligations. I don’t want to feel guilty and try to be nice, then have kindness misinterpreted as interest. I need to face Jack in person, thank him for helping me through this last week, and make it clear that there is nothing romantic between us.
Mom hugs me again and kisses my cheek. “I’m feeling very optimistic now darling,” and Richard adds, “Me too, Grace, me too.” He smiles at me.
“I love you both very much. I’m sorry I can’t stay longer, but I have arrangements to make with the new apartment and moving. I don’t want to keep Alex waiting.”
“Of course, my darling. I understand. Thank you for coming by. It means more than you can even know.”
“I do know, mama. It means the world to me too.” With that I walk back out the way I came.
As I sit looking out the cab window, I reflect on this last week. It’s funny how everything can feel most out of control and chaotic when life is trying to move you in the right direction, toward your purpose.I’m Cole’s purpose, and he is mine.The thought settles me and leaves just enough room for solid hope that we can find our way back to each other once again, and make it work.
As the car pulls up in front of Jack’s building, I feel uneasy. I call him and ask him to come out to meet me, I don’t want to be trapped inside his space. I need a neutral location. I scan the block and spot a little coffee shop that looks busy at the far corner.
“Hey,” he says, walking out of his building door two minutes later.
“Coffee?” I motion towards the end of block.
“Sure,” he says. He is smiling, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. His eyes are dark and broody. He senses I am not here to plan our future together.
We walk in silence. Once we sit with our coffees, I decide to break the ice. “Thanks for the other night. I know I still owe you all kinds of explanation.” I keep staring at my coffee cup, unable to look at him.
“Look at me, Mia. Look at me and explain why my girlfriend called me to pick her up from another man’s house. Explain why you two were fighting like lovers. I’m patient, Mia, and I have been an ass, I know, but I don’t deserve this.”
So much for easing in.The worst part is that he’s right, except for me being his girlfriend. His possessiveness creeps me out a little.Does he really expect…?
“I know you don’t deserve this, Jack. That’s why I am here to speak to you in person. Thank you for being my friend, and I forgive you for being an ass. The thing is, Jack, all I can offer is friendship. Nothing more. My heart isn’t mine to offer anymore. It knew where I belong even when I didn’t.”
“What the hell does that mean?” He puts down his coffee a little harder than necessary.
Using Cole’s words, I say, “It means I gave my love away a long time ago and I refuse to take it back.” I look at him apologetically. I was hoping he would take it well and I could get this over with quickly, but it doesn’t seem to be going that way, not from the storm brewing on his face.
“No way. When did you even meet him? You haven’t known him for that long! Have you remembered something new? What about what we have?! What about me?!” He’s raising his voice, and people are starting to notice.
“Jack, it’s so much more complicated than you could even know. I have known Cole for longer than you think, but it doesn’t matter because even if I knew him for an hour I would still feel the same.” I don’t want to hurt Jack, but I know if I don’t want to continue to hurt him, I have to make this very clear.
Jack leans back in his chair. Looking up at the ceiling, he lets out a breath of air and then looks at me. He isn’t sad; he looks angry.
“Jack, I want to tell you a story. It may help in understanding all of this…” He interrupts by standing up and knocking his spoon on the floor. “I don’t want to hear your fucking story. I’ve done everything right and you have treated me like a piece of trash. We’ll see who’s really the trash, Mia. You are all the same, always wanting the asshole, never seeing that I am the one who’s your real prince. I would have treated you like a queen, but you’ll get what you deserve because I won’t protect you anymore!”
Holy hell!I’m not sure how to even respond. Jack is seething and spitting verbal venom.
“Jack! Stop this, don’t say things like that.”
“What the fuck do you care?! You only care about yourself and your precious Cole! You are selfish, Mia. You’ll see, you fucking bitch!” He screams at me while he stands hovering over the table. People are watching openly now and the kid behind the counter looks ready to pounce if I need him. I’ve suspected several sides of Jack before now, but this one frightens me. This Jack is unpredictable and clearly fucking psycho.
“Thank you for confirming that you are in fact, an ASS. Goodbye, Jack.” I get up to leave and turn my back to him. I had hoped to explain and find a resolution, maybe one day be friends, but no way would I ever be friends with someone as mean and insane as this.
“Miss you already!” Jack snarls, and when I look back he is looking at me with the most disgusting smile. I quickly leave the coffee shop, realizing in that moment who has been sending the notes.I’ll have to burn them later.
When I get back to the suite I find a note from Alex, telling me she went to stay with Chris and that her stuff is packed, so I can check out whenever I want. I go to my room and pack the few belongings I have with me into the two bags I brought last week. I check out and head to the street, hail a cab, and mentally review my plan. I hear the driver grumble about traffic and look up to see miles of brake lights.Oh man! I’ll be stuck in this for hours.I tell the cabbie I’m going to walk and he starts to laugh as I hand him the money. It dawns on me that I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn’t see or hear until now that it’s raining, buckets of rain coming down hard.Fuck!