Page 35 of Evil Beautiful
Tilting my head towards the door I watched as Darren dragged the still moaning bitch out of the room. Once they were gone my focus went back to the piece of meat.
I smiled and tapped the knife on the bleeding wound on his side and he flinched in pain.
“It’s good you loved it because it’s going to become more difficult to climax as we proceed. The pain will be immense but you’ll learn to love it. You will learn to climax only when the pain is unbearable. Some days will be better than others. Today was one of the good days. Tomorrow might be a good day as well, but then again it might not.”
Walking through the blood on the floor I set the knife down on the table against the wall.
“You’re a pussy!” My prisoner shouted at me. I heard the fear and desperation in his voice even though he tried hard to disguise it. “You can’t even torture properly. Is this all you’ve got? Fucking pussy!”
Crossing my arms over my chest I looked him up and down before I smiled. His eyes flickered and I knew he finally saw the evil bastard who lived inside my head.
“I don’t think you understand. You won’t be dying anytime soon. Today was only an introduction. Tomorrow we will get to know each other a little better. Enjoy your accommodations and if there’s anything you need don’t hesitate to ask.” I was still smiling as I uncrossed my arms and turned from him.
“See that doc takes a look at him before you make him comfortable for the night. I think he will enjoy being strapped to the cross overnight.” I instructed Bone, my dungeon master.
“Yes, Sir.” His voice was muffled by the black hood he wore over his head.
He was dressed as if he was part of a historic play. Tight black pants, wide leather belt, knee high heavy boots and no shirt. Leather cuffs were strapped to his wrists and the only part of his face visible was his eyes. Eyes that was the clear blue of a summer sky.
Bone usually took care of our visitors but this one was special and all mine.
Stepping into a pair of oversized slippers I walked on the plastic runner out of the room.
I ignored the screams and curses that followed me out.
Stripping to my skin I dropped the blood soaked scrubs, boxer briefs and the slippers in the bin outside the shower then walked into it and washed the blood from me.
When I was done my clothes were hanging on a hook outside the shower, waiting for me. I dried off, dropped the towel in the bin and got dressed. My day wasn’t done yet.
I had shit to do in my office before heading back to the hospital.
I wanted to check where we were on finding Mitch. The man didn’t have any family but he was one of ours, and Dom and I wouldn’t stop looking until we found him.
A part of me felt guilty. I knew he had volunteered to go undercover but he should have been brought out after the shit that went down in Johannesburg with the vet. I had spoken to him the last time we met at the club but he hadn’t been able to say much because of the asswipe he had brought along.
All he had been able to give me was to say there were people being held by Winifred that he could not abandon. I had no names to follow up on or descriptions and that pissed me off. He should have given me more and I should have arranged a way to get more information from him. Now it was too late.
But maybe the prisoner I had in the cell could give me some answers. Maybe not right now but eventually he would talk. I would make sure of it.
He had a lot to answer for.
Kellen, and apparently Mitch, weren’t the only ones he had disfigured in his time with Winifred Harrison.
Men and women had suffered under his hands before they died in horrible pain.
He would suffer and give me what I need before I would allow him to die.
Getting into the lift I braced my back against the wall, leant my head back and breathed in deep. I needed to focus.
“Do you think what he said about Mitch is true?” Lex asked very quietly.
I straightened and turned my head to look at her then sighed.
“Fuck, Lex, I hope not. But if it is the truth it means we have to find him. And we need to find him as soon as we can. I want every single piece of information we have on the hag to be scrutinised. Somewhere we missed something. I want a team to go back to the house and go over it and the gardens from top to bottom.”
The hag, that’s what Dom and I had started calling her when we were still boys. It had stuck, she would always be that to both of us. A hag, an evil creature who delights in torture and even viler acts.
Rico who was standing in front of the lift doors with Darren turned to look at me, pulling me from my thoughts.