Page 36 of Evil Beautiful
“I don’t think we searched all of the underground passages. I’ll take a look at the blueprints we have in the office and gather a team to check it out. If he’s in that house or somewhere underneath it I will find him.” His eyes were worried but determined at the same time.
“Good. Take two teams, one to search the gardens and outbuildings the other to search inside and underneath the house. If he’s there we will find him. If what that asshole said is true he’s going to need medical attention so be sure to take a medic with.”
None of us said another word as the lift stopped on the top floor and the doors slid open.
The men stepped out and to the side and I walked out with Lex behind me. Nodding a greeting at the two women behind the long desk I walked past and down to my office. I continued on to Dom’s office to report in.
His office was like a glass box and it was obvious he wasn’t in. Turning around I walked back to my office.
“Find out if Dom is in the building, if he isn’t I want to know where he is and who is with him.” I ordered as I unlocked my door and walked in.
Through the glass wall the late afternoon sun caught the tops of the waves in the restless ocean. White caps rolled in as far as the eye could see. While we had been underground the wind had come up and the weather had changed.
Sitting behind my desk I quickly caught up with emails and work shit. Rico had gone straight to our operations room while Darren and Lex came with me. Lex stood with her shoulders leaning against the glass but her eyes were on the door. Darren stood behind me in almost the exact same pose. Lex’s phone buzzed and she drew it from her pocket, reading the text with a frown before looking at me.
“Dominick went out about an hour ago. He has Kev, Deke and Zach with him. According to Lucinda two executives from the Singapore office arrived unexpectedly and he’s gone to meet with them. They’re at the V&A Waterfront Hotel.”
“Find out if those bastards came with an entourage.” I ordered as I texted Dom.
In the office. Do you need anything?
I waited.
Not long after I got his answer.
Not right now. It’s going as planned.
I wasn’t exactly sure what he meant. We had no plans with these bastards as far as I knew.
“There are eight of them. The two executives and six others. Two are apparently their PA’s and the other four are guards.” Darren said, he wasn’t leaning against the wall any longer, neither was Lex. They were both on their phones and texting.
Damn it.
“Send four guards to the hotel to escort Dom back to the office. I don’t care if he throws a tantrum they stick with him and his team. I don’t trust this sudden arrival.”
Rico walked in with a roll of blueprints under his arm and a tablet in his hand.
“I pulled every single physical blue print of the mansion that we have. I contacted Face and she sent me what they have. Between them we’ll have a better idea of what we’re dealing with.” He frowned at the tension in the office. “What the hell is going on?”
Lex answered before I could.
“The Singaporeans are here, with bodyguards and so-called PA’s. Dom is in a meeting with them with only Kev, Deke and Zach to back him up. The boss despatched four guards to their location, the V&A Waterfront Hotel.”
Giving a short nod Rico laid the plans and the tablet on the table against the wall. He quickly spread the plans out and placed weights on the corners to hold them open. Once done he turned and rested a hip against the table, he looked relaxed but wasn’t.
“There’s nothing we can do about Dom except wait to hear from him and the team. I suggest we use the time to check out the plans and see if we can locate Mitch.” He straightened and turned back to lean over the plans on the table.
He was right. There was nothing we could do about Dom. What we could do something about was trying to find Mitch. We joined him at the table and for the next thirty minutes we pored over the blueprints and maps. Rico had been right. There were parts of the estate we hadn’t searched.
“Get the teams you need together and start the searches tonight. We need to find him.” I tapped the table next to the tablet. “Face must have found this map in Murchison’s shit once he was eliminated. I think he and the hag had this area added as a secret hidey hole if shit hit the fan. Approach with caution, we don’t want them to kill him before we get to him.”
I frowned down at the blueprints and the map.
“The damned hag needs to be found and fucking die already.” I growled before turning back to my desk.
I was done here.
I needed to get back to the hospital and Kellen.