Page 58 of Evil Beautiful
Mitch needed to see a friendly face when he eventually woke up.
I fought hard not to show my rage as I listened to the doc outlining the extent of Mitch’s injuries and the expected time of recovery.
I thanked the gods the piece of meat I had tortured to death had lied.
He had been rushed into surgery on arrival with internal bleeding in his abdominal cavity and a neurosurgeon had been called in to attend to his head injuries.
Both surgeries had been successful but he was looking at a long road to recovery.
The deep lacerations on both sides of his face had been seen to but because of the severity of his other injuries the doctors had decided to wait on the surgery. It would happen when he was more stable. Right now he was in an induced coma in ICU. Rico and Lex were stationed outside his room and had promised to call if there were any changes in his condition.
I was conflicted. I wanted to stay with my friend because I felt responsible for his injuries.
Not that I could do anything for him right now.
And I had to see Kellen. He would get worried if I didn’t check in.
I left the hospital with Darren and Deke and blinked in the sharp sunlight.
While we had been inside waiting on news regarding the surgeries night had turned into day. Glancing at my watch I saw that it was in actual fact four in the afternoon.
We had been going for close to thirty six hours and none of us would be getting rest any time soon.
I had to see Kellen before I faced the hell that was the hag in our cells.
We were all silent on the drive to the compound.
Darren only spoke once we had driven through the gates and parked.
“The Dogz weren’t touched. There are no indications of attempts to breach their perimeter.”
Deke nodded in agreement before he got out and opened my door.
Not saying a word I walked inside.
There had been no time to change into my usual suit but I had taken the time to change into clean black jeans and a black t-shirt. I still wore the black combat boots though.
Kid and Orca were sitting at the bar, a beer in front of both of them, watching me. They looked me over, checking for wounds. Their eyes zeroed in on the white bandage visible underneath the left sleeve of my t-shirt. It was minor, a bullet graze that I hadn’t even realised I had until Zach pointed it out and bandaged it.
Dom’s injury wasn’t minor at all. He had a knife wound on his neck that was too damned close to his carotid artery.
I saw the question in their eyes and gave a shrug before joining them.
“Any losses?” Orca enquired.
My answering nod was tired. “We lost two of ours and we have several with minor wounds. And two with more severe wounds, Dom being one of those.”
“Fucking hell, is he okay?” Kid looked worried.
I nodded, not wanting to give them more, because my best friend wouldn’t like others knowing what a close call he had had.
“Noe is going to want to see him, so please tell him to be prepared for a worried pregnant woman bashing his door down.” Kid said with a frown and I nodded. The man didn’t like how close Dom and Noe was.
“Any news from Hawk?” While I had been at the hospital I had kept my phone turned off and had yet to turn it back on.