Page 59 of Evil Beautiful
“We’ve suffered several losses in Jozi and we have some seriously wounded brothers. The fuckers attacked with rocket and grenade launchers and burned the clubhouse to the ground. But they’ve got the bastard.” He bit out and I could see by his eyes that one of those losses had hit close to home.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” I didn’t want to be rude but now that I’ve reported what had gone down I needed to get to Kellen. “I’m going up to see Kellen, we’ll talk more before I leave.”
“No need, Gideon, everything that needed to be said has been said. Go, see your man.” Orca said as he stood and clapped a hand on Kid’s shoulder before walking away.
I gave a nod and did the same. Walked away and up the stairs.
Opening Kellen’s door and walking into his room had the hell of the night and the day at the hospital falling from my shoulders. His friend Strange was sitting next to his bed and they had been laughing when I walked in.
He was sitting up in bed, a bright smile on his face that fell as he looked me over.
“Deon! You’re hurt! What happened?” He asked. “Is everyone safe? Did anyone else get hurt?”
I didn’t answer until I stood next to him. Bending over I kissed him softly. I could feel the stitches along his upper lip prickle against mine.
“Yes, baby, some of us got hurt and we lost two of our men last night. But at least the hag and the bastards who worked for her will never touch you or anyone else ever again.” I gave him more information than I had planned to. I had to watch what I said in front of his friend.
“I overheard Lex saying your friend Mitch was missing. Did you find him?”
I sighed. “Yes, baby, we found him but he’s not good at all. He’s in a coma in ICU at the moment. According to the doctors he stands a very good chance of recovering completely but he was badly hurt and is going to need several more surgeries before this is done.”
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered quietly.
The woman sitting next to his bed pushed up out of her chair and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“I’m going to get out of here and give the two of you some time together. If you’re still here tomorrow morning I’ll pop in to say goodbye before I leave for J-Bay.”
He clasped her hand in his. “If I don’t see you, have a blast and bring back some trophies.”
“I intend to.” She gave him a brilliant smile before she left.
She might have smiled but it never reached her eyes. Something had upset her.
But I didn’t have the time or the inclination to try and figure it out, not now.
I wanted to spend time with Kell before I had to head back to our headquarters and the cells.
Moving him gently to the side I climbed onto the bed with him and drew him into my arms. With a heavy sigh I finally relaxed.
He was here.
He was safe and would continue to be safe.
I kissed his temple and held him when he laid his head on my shoulder.
“I talked to Spider today.” He said very quietly.
“About what you need from a partner and what I won’t be able to give you.” He replied in a whisper.
Damn and blast.
I so didn’t want to do this right now but he needed it so I would.
Drawing in a deep breath I gave him my past.