Page 60 of Evil Beautiful
“I was very young when I was initiated into sex in the harshest way possible, with pain. It changed me into what I am today. Someone who has a bottomless pit of rage inside him that needs to be purged from time to time. I was trained to associate sex with pain, the giving of pain and receiving pleasure in return. I like seeing my partners suffer under the tails of my whip. Their tears and pain is like an aphrodisiac to me. And I like playing in front of others, showing off my skills with my whips. For years I have used the club to get what I need. I used it as a kind of safety valve when my rage became overwhelming. I relieved the pressure by giving pain to those who needed it sexually. Sometimes I would fuck them but not all the time. I don’t like receiving pain, that’s not one of my kinks. Sex with me will always be rough and in most instances will be accompanied by pain.
“But, saying that, since you were taken and hurt I’ve been thinking about us and how we’re going to go on once you’ve recovered. When we get to that stage we will sit down and discuss your triggers. What we can and can’t do. What you can and can’t handle. We’ll get through it, baby. I swear to you, I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure you are not only happy but satisfied in our relationship.”
“I’m worried that I won’t be able to ever give you what you need. I watched you whipping a submissive at your club and saw how much it turned you on to see his pain and tears. I couldn’t do that for you. Couldn’t let you display me like that. And the thought of being tied up and whipped scares me, it doesn’t turn me on.” He whispered, the warmth of his breath sinking through my shirt and into my chest. My arms tightened around him.
“You’ve been tortured, baby. No one would or could expect you to find a whipping a turn on after what they did to you. We’ll find something we can do together. There’s so much we can do that will give me what I need and I will never do anything without your consent. We’ll go slow, very slow and when you say stop, we stop.”
I lifted his face with both hands until his eyes met mine.
“I love you, Kellen. I’m not letting you go, not now, not ever. We’ll figure it out. I promise.”
His throat moved as he swallowed heavily and pulling against my hands he laid his head on my chest again.
“Maybe…maybe I could watch while you whip someone else. Maybe I could…” He whispered but I heard the tension in his voice. Now was not the time to discuss this.
“Shhh, baby, leave it for now. Relax, I’ve got you and I’m not letting you go.” I kissed the top of his head and he sighed heavily.
“I love you, Deon, so much. I’m sorry I can’t give you what you need.” His whisper was filled with the tears that were soaking through my shirt. And I wanted to kill the hag for doing this to him.
I held him until he fell asleep.
But I couldn’t stay, however much I wanted to I had a hag to dismember.
Sliding out from under him I carefully laid him down, straightened his bedding and drew the fleece throw at the bottom of the bed up over his shoulder.
After pressing a final kiss to his forehead I quietly left the room.
Drawing the door closed behind me I nodded at the prospect sitting on a chair right outside his door and turned to leave.
Only to run into the one woman I couldn’t ignore or walk away from.
Noelle “Noe/Face” Knight, Kid’s old lady and wife. One of the few people Dom respected and called friend and because she was his friend she was important to me as well.
The scars on her face is what gave her the name of Face but having known her for so many years it no longer even registered with me.
What did register was the size of her belly. It was enormous.
“You really didn’t think I was going to let you walk out of here without getting an update, did you?” She said as she hooked her arm through mine and led me away from the prospect.
“Jesus, Face, when is this baby due? You’re enormous, woman. Why aren’t you sitting down or lying down or something?” I teased with a grin.
She gave me a pretend frown then grinned and gave me a sly wink. “It’s due sooner than Kid thinks, but don’t you dare tell him, he’s crazy enough as it is.”
Her grin dropped almost immediately, her expression solemn. “How is he doing? Do you think it will help if I talk to him? Having been through something similar it might help him to talk to someone who totally gets it.”
Typical Face, always ready to help.
“If you could I would really appreciate it. He needs to talk to someone who understands.”
She gave a quick nod. “Okay, consider it handled. Now, get out of here and kill the bitch. Too bad I have Junior on board or I would have been there with you. Tell Dom I will see him soon.” Grinning she patted her belly. “Okay, maybe not that soon, but I will make it soon after. Go, get this shit handled.”
She patted my back then strode away. I smiled at her retreating back because it was more of a waddle than a stride. Glancing over her shoulder she saw me watching and grinned.
Kid Knight was a very lucky man. His woman was a warrior woman and has been through a lot with Dom and I. She has been fighting against the Harrisons for almost as long as we have. Like she said, if not for the baby she was carrying she would have been with us when we handed out the retribution due to the hag.
When I woke up Deon was gone. I was disappointed but I knew he had things to do. Things that I really didn’t want to know about.