Page 94 of Legendary Warrior
“Is Peter the reason your stepfather divided the land?”
“Aye, he thought to protect his son, since Dunhurnal land belonged to my father’s family for generations. My father served the king well and so his land was protected, until my father died and my mother married Robert Kilkern.”
“Against her wishes,” she reminded him.
“I remember her pleading with her father not to force the marriage upon her, but he paid her no mind. He was determined she would have a husband to protect the land.”
He looked away for a moment, as if the memories were too painful, and she slipped her hand from under his and squeezed his hand gently.
Magnus continued. “Robert was a sly man, and he agreed to wed my mother only if he was granted a portion of the land.”
“But the land was legally his once he wed your mother.”
“My grandfather was a sly and determined man. He intended to make certain that I inherited what was rightfully mine, since there was a good chance that the union would produce more children who could very well inherit the property, something my grandfather had no intentions of happening. Dunhurnal land would remain intact for me to inherit. Kilkern would control it until I reached my majority, then he would have to make due with the small section of land agreed upon in the marriage contract.”
Reena shivered and rubbed her arms. “Kilkern would have never let you reach manhood, would he?”
“Nay, he would not, and my mother understood that, especially when my grandfather died. My mother knew it was not an accident that took his life; Kilkern had something to do with it.
“She knew all too well that our lives were in danger and that we had to flee. She told me of the crude map my father had of his land and how Robert Kilkern had hidden it away along with their wedding agreement; both would prove my ownership of Dunhurnal land.”
Reena closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. “You tortured Robert Kilkern to find the whereabouts of the map?”
Magnus nodded. “I could not have what was rightfully mine if I did not have the map and the wedding agreement to present to the king. My stepfather refused to tell me where they were, and he laughed at me, telling me that I was as weak as my mother and that Dunhurnal land was no more, that it was Kilkern land and would forever remain in Kilkern hands.”
“He underestimated you.”
“He underestimated my love for my mother and father and my honor to my name and land. He paid dearly for his mistake.”
“But why did you not claim the land immediately? You had your proof. You could have easily taken the land from Philip Kilkern; he was a fair man, far different from his brother—” She halted abruptly, understanding dawning. “Youwantedto take the land from Peter Kilkern.”
“He has prepared for this confrontation as long as I have, and besides, I was busy reclaiming my grandfather’s land, Kilkern having made attempts to lay claim to it: otherwise I would have returned to claim my land sooner. I would never have allowed Kilkern to starve tenants that actually belonged to me.”
“This all makes sense, but what of me? Why did you make me map for you? Why did you not tell me the truth from the beginning?”
“Your arrival at my keep simplified things for me. I needed to make your acquaintance and learn just how skillful you were. The men I sent to scout and spy on Kilkern land informed me of your talents. If what they had learned was true, then I had no doubt that Peter Kilkern would be after your services with no intentions of compensating you for them.”
“So you had me map.”
He nodded. “I needed to see for myself how fast and accurately you could produce a map, and being under duress as you were made it better for me. If you could map under those circumstances, then Kilkern would certainly be able to use your talents. Making you my mapmaker served two purposes—it afforded you protection from Kilkern, and I acquired a truly gifted mapmaker.”
“Aye, that you did,” she said with a teasing poke to his side. “But why did Kilkern not seek my skill when he first arrived? Why wait? And why did his father not destroy the map so that no proof existed?”
“If by chance I did resume control of Dunhurnal land, Kilkern would still have been entitled to a small portion of the land. Without that paper he would get nothing, and he was not foolish enough to lose everything by destroying the agreement.”
“Why then did Peter Kilkern wait and not have a map drawn when he first arrived?”
“Arrogance, perhaps foolishness to think that his father would not betray him and divulge the location of the original map to me.” He shook his head. “I do not know. I do know that my stepfather never expected my return or that I would see that he paid for what he had done to my mother and my grandfather.”
“So when you returned you claimed Dunhurnal land but left Philip Kilkern alone on purpose. You waited for Peter to become earl of Culberry, which could have taken forever if Philip had not taken ill and died.”
Magnus raised a brow.
Reena gasped in understanding. “Peter killed his uncle?”
“Do you think he intended on waiting to become earl of Culberry? His family history was one of killing and stealing to obtain land—why should he be any different than his ancestors?”
Reena sat back against the bed with a sigh. “I but innocently stumbled on a devious plot dating back many years and unknowingly became a pawn. You had it all planned, every step of the way, my arrival making it easier for you.”