Page 95 of Legendary Warrior
He moved next to her and in a flash scooped her up to sit on his lap. “You made it more difficult.”
Surprised by his unexpected actions but content in his lap—and curious about his remark—she asked, “How could I have made it more difficult? I delivered my mapping services to you at your door. It was not necessary to seek me out, you had me exactly where you wanted me.”
He kissed her. “Aye, but I never expected to fall in love with you. I never expected to fear when I did not know of your whereabouts. I did not expect to desire you with a passion beyond reason or to feel such joy when with you. You stole my heart, mind and soul.”
She sighed and nibbled at his lips. “I did not steal them, you gave them to me freely, for love can only be given freely. It cannot be forced or manipulated. It cannot be stolen or imprisoned. It is simply given freely from the heart—”
“Mind and soul,” Magnus finished with a kiss.
“Now I have all of you,” she said and laid her head on his naked chest.
“And I you.” He wrapped his arms around her.
“What now, Magnus?” she asked, hoping there was some way this all would end peaceably, yet knowing that was not possible.
“We wait. I have proof Kilkern land is and always has been Dunhurnal land. It is up to Peter Kilkern to make known this map that he claims will show the land as belonging to him.”
“He sounds so sure of his ability to produce this map. Perhaps he will find another mapmaker to accommodate him.”
“There is only one skilled enough to produce such a map.”
Reena tensed.
“What is wrong?” he asked, holding her more tightly.
“My father is a skilled mapmaker.”
“But he does not know the land as well as you, and time is of the essence for Kilkern. He requires someone who knows well Kilkern and Dunhurnal land and can produce a map quickly.”
“How does he think to get me when I am so well protected? It seems a foolish thought on his part.”
“That is one of the reasons he seeks Brigid.”
Reena grew indignant. “He intends to use my friend to get me?”
“He knows well of your friendship with her. Remember, he will count on that friendship to misdirect you. Or when he discovers that we love and will wed, he may use that to force your compliance.”
“He would attempt to hurt you?”
“Kilkern will attempt anything, and that is what I want you to remember. He lies and thieves to have his way and cares naught for anyone.” He took hold of her chin. “Listen well, Reena. If by chance you should find yourself having to map for Kilkern, you will do so without any thought of betrayal to me.”
Reena was about to let him know what she thought of his warning, but he held her chin firm so she could not respond.
“I will not have you suffer for me: in this you will obey me.” He released her chin and waited for the only answer he would accept.
She thought she saw fear in his eyes, and the idea that the Legend feared for her touched her heart. “I will do as you say.”
His worry faded, replaced by a smile. “Then I say we sleep, for it has been a long day and the night late. And tomorrow will be busy.”
She slipped off his lap and rested on her side, Magnus moving up against her, his arm draped over her waist, his hand resting on her breast.
“Why will tomorrow be so busy?” she asked on a yawn.
“Two weddings need to be planned.”
“Should we not wait until this is all settled?”
“I will not wait upon Kilkern.” He was adamant.