Page 20 of Forgotten Embers
She felt her cheeks burn with shame, the words seamlessly finding their mark and reminding her that she did not belong in a world of fine things and leisurely parties. With the biting reminder clarity filled her and she knew this man had not meant her well when he had offered to help her. Still doubt called to her as she considered whether the lake truly had been a trap or if the youngest prince had meant to make a joke of her attempt at escape.
“Richard. Do you not think it’s a bit early in the celebration to be quite so drunk? I will thank you to be careful in the words you speak to my wife.”
Relief had her letting loose a long breath at being saved a response and she might have been grateful to the elder prince if it wasn't clear his rescue was more about the power struggle between the two men.
“Enough. We are showing our people that we are united and happy. Your squabbling is not needed.” With the order given, there was nothing left to do but take their places on the dais.
Prince Richard returned to his spot to the left of the king, slumping slightly almost like he was sulking, which brought a brief flare of victory warming her belly. Prince Malaki held out his arm for her, and she took it, walking towards the right of the king.
The prince pulled out the chair next to his and held her hand as she lowered herself into the chair before taking his own seat. As soon as they sat, servants brought out wine and more plates of food than Wren had seen in her entire life. Everyone at the tables began eating the food that had already been placed on their tables. The noise in the room was abruptly loud enough between the talking and the music that she could hardly hear herself think.
“You need to eat at least a little, Wren.” His breath was warm on her neck.
She jumped in surprise, having not noticed him leaning over to her. Meeting his gaze and trying to funnel all the irritation she had ever felt she grabbed her cup and drained it dry letting the sweet wine chase away her fear.
He only rolled his eyes at her and went back to his meal. The king and prince talked together, but it was impossible to hear a single word above the noise. Nausea seemed to circle her insides as she looked at the array of roasted meats and fresh boiled vegetables that would have fed her family for a month. The smell of honey and spices filled her, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to stomach any of it.
The king stood up after a time and announced the dancing would begin. Continuing to push around the food on her plate with her fork, she was unprepared when Prince Malaki stood up and offered her his hand. Her ears seemed to hum as blood pooled in her face. Surely he did not expect her to dance and certainly not with him. She heard a small laugh from Prince Richard, no doubt enjoying her situation.
Prince Malaki’s eyes narrowed as if to tell her that her discomfort was not going to change their plans, and if it weren’t for the voice inside her head telling her that she needed him to get home, she might have not taken his hand. He led her to the dance floor where other couples gathered around them. As if they had been waiting for the two of them, the band began playing. The song was a delicate array of violins softly swaying that she might have found beautiful if the prince hadn’t placed his heavy hand on her waist and pulled her towards him.
He leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Follow my lead.”
She wanted to protest that she did not know what that meant, but they were already moving. She struggled to keep up with his feet as they made wide sweeping movements around the floor. The prince would occasionally twirl her, and she would stumble to regain her position, but soon she found she was actually enjoying the movement. A laugh escaped her, and she threw herself into the music.
The music changed and she realized they were doing a coordinated dance that required her to change partners repeatedly. She quickly figured out the steps and lost herself in the music and movement. The tempo seemed to pick up and she breathed heavily, trying to keep up with the pace. Her partner spun her and she found herself suddenly in her husband’s arms where she was flush against his chest.
She relished the laughter that left her, feeling lighter than she had since she came to this terrible place.
Malaki’s brow furrowed with concern, but seeing she had not gone mad gave her a tentative smile. “It would seem you are a quick learner.”
She could not get enough of the warm joy that spread throughout her, finally feeling truly alive. “That was wonderful!”
He studied her for a second before shaking his head and the thought occurred to Wren that she must be losing her mind because she thought she heard a small chuckle leave the stoic prince. Before she could make sense of the strange sound, a servant appeared next to her, offering her more wine which she eagerly took, feeling as if she had not drank all night. She hardly managed a few sips before the glass was taken from her. Irritation flared in her as she watched Malaki give the glass back to the servant who strode away instantly.
Before she could protest he said, “Too much and you will be drunk, unable to think. Already you are flushed, and the wine is affecting you.” He then gestured for a servant who brought her a glass of water.
What must it be like to have every need anticipated? It seemed impossible to imagine a world where people’s sole job was to make sure you had everything you needed. Yet, as impossible as it was it seemed she had stumbled into one such world. Despite her irritation at having the prince dictate her actions she was grateful for the water as it quenched her thirst better than the wine had.
As she drank the water, another man made his way to them. He was shorter than Malaki and his blond hair was cut shorter than the other men, falling above his ears. He bowed to them.
“Your Highnesses, I wondered if I might beg the princess for a dance.” The man who spoke was short with a mousy appearance.
Malaki’s hand tightened on her back, pulling her closer to him. She had not even realized his hand had been resting there. Irritated that he should think to have any claim over her, she smiled at the man and gave him her free hand. Wren handed the water back to Malaki who’s blue eyes flared with unspoked irritation.
Fortunately for Wren, their little charade would prevent such a display, so she only smiled sweetly at him before following her new dance partner to the dance floor. They made their way through the people and music with ease, the crowd seeming to part for her.
The music was fast and made for very little time to speak which suited her just fine. When they finally stopped, she was nearly out of breath. Before she could wonder at what to do next, another man was there asking for a dance. She gratefully accepted each time, enjoying the feeling of her feet lifting off the floor and the music all around her.
She had never danced before like this. Cara and Wren had danced as children playing, but this was different. This felt like life itself. Lost in herself, she was surprised when the music changed to a softer beat. She smiled graciously at her partner, who murmured to her that she was lovely.
Seeing a nearby servant, she moved towards him and thanked him when he offered her some wine from her tray. She drank it greedily, enjoying the liquid and handed it back to the servant.
“You are a magnificent dancer, Princess.”
She turned to see a middle-aged woman in an ornate white and yellow dress looking at her. She bowed to her.
“Please forgive me, I could not give up my first opportunity to greet our new princess. I am Lady Daugherty, my husband was the late Lord Daugherty, may he rest in peace. It is so lovely to have a princess amongst our royal family again.” She placed her arm in Wren’s and leaned in conspiratorially. “Too many men, you know.”